Spirit, Mind, Body

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Why Spirit, Mind, Body?

Each day we awake we are provided with an opportunity to live fuller and become better.

It is as if we are able to use our time and energy as keys to unlock new doors of potential and hope.

It’s the combination of how we use our time, our energy and our choices that form the keys which unlock the doors of our greatest potential.

It is my belief that we can unlock any door if we have the proper keys, and it is my hope that by the end of the post you’ll discover those Keys.

*Hint – Look Within

I know it may sound abstract thinking that we can unlock our greatest potential using keys found within.

I once thought that.

I remember when I was in college, living in Seattle, and I was just getting by, barely able to pay my bills.

I loved making music, enjoyed my school and had big dreams for the future, however, my immediate attention was centered around sustaining my life’s basic needs.

Rent, power, water, school, gas, food, it all began to add up in those trying years.

Unaware of how to handle it, not knowing where to turn, I struggled for many years.

It wasn’t until that one fateful day that things began to change.

The change was slow, but it was change nevertheless.

The pain of staying in the same place spiritually, mentally, and physically became so great that it outweighed the fear and pain associated with making a drastic change.

First, I noticed that all the things that brought me suffering at that time were reflections of my world.

Anywhere I took my body, Jeffon, I brought these same issues, whether I was getting into my car that had no gas, opening my fridge with no food, turning on the tv with no cable or avoiding my property manager so I didn’t have to talk to him about the late fees I still hadn’t paid.

My body was experiencing these things in the world I was living in.

It didn’t stop here.

I remember being around some of my friends and work associates and seeing the “established” life that they were living. By “established” I mean bills were all paid, they had money left over at the end of the month, were driving reliable cars and had the latest gadgets.

The more I surrounded myself with my peers and their families who were living this “established” life, the more I would ask myself,

“Why not me? Don’t I deserve this type of life as well?”

Discovery of Direction

I wanted to know why I was living this poverty-type lifestyle while people close to me were living fuller and bigger.

I didn’t have to look too far to find these answers.

First, I began to notice that each morning I awoke, day after day, I was experiencing the same set of events.

I soon discovered that my mind was filling up with the same thoughts each day, causing me to make the same choices that left me in the same unfortunate state I was currently living in.

I was a victim to what my own mind was creating. 

I tried to search deeper, to see why these thoughts of lack, limitation and insecurity continued to show up in my life. The roots ran deep, causing me to trace my journey of life all the way back to my childhood.

Subconsciously, I realized I was thinking these same thoughts, believing these same beliefs and making these same choices for years.

I wanted to get rid of the lack, limitation and insecurity in myself, but I was unable to fully remove them from my thoughts. Therefore, I chose to find ways to bring peace to these false beliefs about myself.

It Takes Time

I started to realize that the choices I was making were a reflection of how I saw myself on the inside.

I then made it a goal to begin to see the truth, the Life, the Essence that dwells within me (call it what you will).

I started to see that the Life within myself supports every thought I think, both the good and the bad.

The Source

This led me to uncover one of the greatest gems I’ve found thus far in life.

Follow me on this here,

I noticed that my body, my outer experiences of life, was in complete harmony with the way I thought about myself. So in other words, the thoughts I was thinking reflected the choices I made and actions I committed to.

My mind, consciousness, was literally creating the world around me through each thought and each choice I made. (The majority of my thoughts, choices and actions, however, were all subconscious. Meaning, I didn’t even know I was making them).

This caused me to ask myself,

“What powers my mind?” 

I felt that if I could find this Source I would be able to empower my mind to think different thoughts, make new choices and live a better life, escaping the poverty lifestyle I was in.

As I began to connect with the Source that awakes me, I noticed it is that same Source that gives power to my mind. Even more, I can tap my mind into that Source, that Life, and direct my body (outer world) wherever my heart chooses.

In other words,

Life, Spirit, Essence ——> Mind, Consciousness, Thought ——-> Body, Life, Experience = All Connected.

Understand this order and you will see that you are captain of your fate and master of your destiny.

Honor your Spirit, Direct your Mind, Embrace your Body and Be.

(Three Key Tweeter)

You are the author of your Book of Life

It is important to state that reading words on a screen or in a book is just a small piece of the whole. To fully embrace anything worth value, especially this creative process, spend some time in the stillness within yourself.

And I believe that just as I did, you too will begin to see that this order is in all of your experiences.

Please remember, open minds discover new universes.

What I’d like to ask of you is to at least try to see this connection in your own life, regardless of your religious path, ethnicity or outlook on life.

Spend a moment to look deeper and I almost guarantee you will see that we are the ones steering the direction of our lives, thought by thought, choice by choice.


I greatly appreciate you stopping by Three Key Life.

Thank you for helping me become better.







Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life





photo credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pilottage/3661466756/ Pilottage- http://photopin.com – http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/


Spirit, Mind, Body
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