3 Keys of Wisdom: The Wise River

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Wise Elder

While venturing into the jungle during my stay in Honduras I was reminded of this story.

I heard about a young man hiking through the woods and exploring the vast mountainsides, hoping to find a piece of wisdom that he had not yet found. His search led him deep into the forest where the trail faded away and he began to walk on a piece of earth that was unmarked by humans.

Traveling beneath towering trees, amongst green ferns and the abundance of nature, he continued into the forest seeking wisdom.

Stopping to observe his surroundings, he heard a  river in the distance and continued in that direction.

As the river became louder, he eventually entered a large opening at the base of a waterfall. He approached the rushing water to wash his hands but was taken off guard when he saw an elderly man sitting on a rock overlooking the large river.

The elderly man turned and said, “You’ve come here on a quest for wisdom,” and signaled for the young man to approach.

The young man slowly walked toward him.

“I have been waiting here to share two simple truths with you for quite some time, please sit down,” the elderly man said.

As he sat, the elderly man began to tell him, “You see this river here? It is the one that has the wisdom you’ve been seeking. The two truths I’ve been told to share with you are as follows.

Truth #1, Move with patience.

Truth #2, Continue forward in life with perseverance.

Two Truths

When I came across this river on my trip to Honduras my mind was awakened to the truths that this story contained.

sambo river

I now recognize that my life, your life, our lives are the rivers. We are all flowing with Life from the Innermost, God, Jah, Allah, Love, Energy, Intelligence, Life, whatever you call it, we are all connected.

Our lives flow from the inside out. (Three Key Tweet)

After embracing these two powerful truths in my own life, I analyzed them a bit further in order to find simple ways to begin applying them to my daily life.

Living with Patience and Moving with Perseverance

3 Keys of Wisdom:

#1 – Don’t Stress on the Things that You Cannot Control – Know and recognize that you are the river which carves out the canyons, cuts through mountainsides and is forming new landscapes in your life. Focus on your strengths and the power that fills each day. Keep your mind focused on the incredible things that you can do in your life and let those thoughts build you up.

#2 – Witness and Apply the Patience of Nature to Your Life – Stop and reflect on how the Life that surrounds us moves with patience and peace. Apply the same patience we find in nature, the same flow we find throughout the universe to our individual river of life. We will have our occasional rapids and waterfalls but our flow is a natural one of patience and peace that flows from the inside out. If you have to rush, like I sometimes do, rush with patience, as crazy as that may sound. Rush knowing that the underlying Essence of Life will always align and provide an opportunity for growth.

#3 – Keep Your River Flowing in the Direction of Your Highest Potential –  Flow over the rocks, around the bends, and down the slopes. Keep the river of your life flowing. If you don’t keep your river of Life flowing then your water will stagnate. Once stagnated, it can become contaminated. Therefore, keep your river of life flowing from the inside out, even if you have to go uphill for a while.


Where are you taking your river of life?

What would be the ideal place for you to direct your river of life?

Leave your comments below.


Thank you for taking a moment to visit Three Key Life.

I am grateful for you and for the Life that flows through us all.

Have a great day.






Jeffon Seely

Three Key Life



Photo Credit: The Magnificent Jonny Murdock
3 Keys of Wisdom: The Wise River

2 thoughts on “3 Keys of Wisdom: The Wise River

  1. Hey Sean,

    I am glad you found it helpful.
    Continue to move with the wisdom of the Wise River.



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