The Straw Men: No More Fear, Worry, or Running Away From Inner Shadows

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The Straw Men: Stop Running From Inner Shadows

How many times have you been stressed, worried or fearful about a certain situation only to realize that all those fears, worries and foes were created by your imagination?

A little over 2 years ago I had a dream to begin speaking, sharing my message of peace, empowerment and motivation throughout Atlanta and ultimately across America. Unfortunately, I spent many months previous to this realization creating massive straw men in my mind. Eventually I had to come face to face with these large, dark shadows I had created in myself.

As I gave myself permission to step toward this dream, I noticed the biggest hurdles I had to overcome were the false thoughts flowing through my conscious mind. I spent so many years focusing on small fears, worries and doubts that overtime these transformed into enormous monsters that drained my creativity and injected stagnation into my life.

The years I spent in this perpetual state of worry and fear, not knowing how it would all work out, grew to be so many that I was literally stuck in place. Mentally, I was strengthening these fears and doubts daily through the product of thoughts flowing through my consciousness.

I now understand that I can create these scary internal figures that prevent me from blossoming into my best self just as easily as I can use my thoughts to grow and achieve my greatest potential.

The time has come to rise above these false fears by suffocating the source that strengthens them. The time has come for us to redirect our thoughts in such a way that we become our biggest asset and not our greatest enemy.

It is time to eliminate these straw men from our minds.

Killing the Straw Men Within

As I step into my dream of speaking across America and eventually our planet, I’ve had to look deep within myself and recognize the hurdles and limitations I’ve constructed.

Recognizing these self-created limits isn’t enough, however, mentally I’ve had to run full force ahead at these inner monsters, but in so doing I have seen how little power they actually posses.

By acting in spite of the fear and worry, I’ve recognized how small these large shadows in my mind truly are. I’ve also recognized how much these large shadows have stolen from my experience.

The doubt, worry, and fear not only prevented me from stepping into my dream for years on end, but they were actively stealing the preciousness of each moment away.

While I still face worry and fear from time to time, I no longer allow these false monsters to prevent me from using my finite time and infinite Energy in a way that is taking me towards my dreams.

Understanding this moment will never come this way again, I no longer give these straw men permission to dictate the course of my day. Instead, I claim my power and know that I am the hero of my individual life.

Becoming the Hero of My Story

I’d like to encourage you to stop for a moment and realize just how powerful you are.

You are so powerful you can create imaginary boundaries and limitations within your own mind, allowing your fears and worries to become so big they actually seem like real things in the outer world.

On the flip side, you are so powerful you can use your mind, thoughts, choices and actions in such a way that you become your biggest asset, your greatest friend and your number one supporter.

The quality of our life weighs heavily on the quality of our thoughts.

Being the thinker of your experience, you realize that the hero, the solution, doesn’t dwell outside of you, but rests within.

Be willing to be the hero of your life. You are not the victim.

3 Keys to Overcoming Fear, Worry, and Doubt

#1 – The Present Moment – Have you ever noticed, by remaining in the present moment, that you have 100% power in your possession? Our power escapes our grasp when we live in thoughts of the past or expectations for the future. If we use our mind for something other than being the best we can be NOW, we separate ourselves from the innumerable things which are supporting us this moment.

If you do the best you can do moment to moment, you’ll effortlessly create the best you in the days ahead.

#2 – Use Your Mind In A Different Way – Why would we spend more time focused on the negatives in life rather than focusing upon the abundance that fills each second of our experience? Yes, there are horrific things happening upon our planet, but we can use our mind to empower these situations instead of inviting this pain to poison the infinite potential of our mind. Next time you come face to face with the large monsters preventing you from moving into your dreams, shift your attention towards the incredible gifts that dwell within you. Then share them with the world.

#3 – Your Essence – Remember, you are a spiritual being having a human experience. Within this spirit you have all tools and equipment necessary to create a life of beauty, abundance and truth. Be willing to reclaim your spirit, embrace your Essence and recognize that your life flows from the inside out, not the outside in.

That which many seek is the Essence within that enables them to do the seeking.

You are the One.


Making this leap within myself, becoming the hero of my story, and killing these false monsters within has allowed the door of opportunity to swing open.

This summer I am scheduled to speak at over 10 different places in 4 different states. From schools, to spiritual communities and businesses, I am stepping toward my dreams, being willing to be the hero of my experience.

I encourage you to do the same. We are not here forever and your gifts are important.

Please share them while you can.







Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life


Straw Men Photo Credit: Flickr via jimmy brown



The Straw Men: No More Fear, Worry, or Running Away From Inner Shadows
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