3 Key Ways To Expand Your Perspective and Transform The Peephole Called Reality

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Transform The Peephole Called Reality I see the world through a small peephole called my perspective. Looking out at my environment through this peephole, I give meaning to everything I see. Those things that lie outside of this peephole are either unimportant to me, I am unaware of them, or they don’t have any meaning […]

3 Keys To Overcome Worry, Anxiety and Fear

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Overcome Worry by Trimming the Tree  As I’ve been out and about traveling across the Pacific Northwest speaking, performing and meeting new people, I am surrounded by innumerable trees. Observing these trees has reminded me of the roots that dwell beneath the surface. These trees soar towards the sun, expanding, unfolding and developing a little […]

Overcoming Negativity: How To Remain Positive

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Overcoming Negativity Have you realized that you can remain positive regardless of the external world? You can tap into a place of positivity when you’re dealing with negative people, entering into toxic environments, or find yourself in a negative state within. The art of overcoming negativity is something that you must be willing to do for […]

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