3 Keys To Creating an Inner Landscape of Compassion

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Creating an Inner Landscape of Compassion

What would happen if you went through your day seeing the world with eyes of compassion, living from an awakened state within?

What if you were able to go into stressful environments, such as your place of work or home, and radiate peace and happiness despite any challenges or negativity?

Imagine walking down the street noticing your fellow brothers and sisters walking past you, but instead of casting judgements, you look deeper, beneath the flesh. Imagine if you could see each person as they truly are, a Divine Reflection of Life Itself, illuminated by the same Essence which illuminates you.

Imagine looking out at our world, observing the news that fills the airwaves, and instead of identifying with the things that separate us from each other, you focused on the innumerable things that connect us to one another.

What would your week, month and year look like if you moved from this awakened state, seeing the world with compassionate eyes and recognizing your oneness with everyone?

How would this shift in perspective transform your current reality?

Peace Not of this World

There are many people who, when asked to move throughout their day with eyes of compassion, a heart of peace and seeing the best in everything, immediately point at all the reasons why this won’t work.

They point at the negative people in their life, the horrific news that greets them each morning and all the reasons why compassion, peace and unity cannot solve anything. These people allow their focus to gravitate towards the things that taint the preciousness of their life. (What we focus upon grows in our experience).

This is extremely easy to do, just turn on CNN, Fox News or the local news and watch as your mind is filled with the atrocious, while there is little to no mention of the beauty we live in each moment of each day.

For those who embark on this path of seeing the world with compassionate eyes and moving with an awakened mind, the peace they find is not of this world and it is unshakeable, but this can only be uncovered within.

Once you get a glimpse of this endless spring of peace within, you quickly see that this internal peace cannot be taken from you.

This is an endless landscape of compassion and truth found within all.

3 Keys for Creating an Inner Landscape of Compassion and Peace

#1 – Compassionate Eyes – You are so powerful that you give meaning to everything you see. Your imagination and consciousness can find beauty in the hopeless and darkness as well as in the immaculate. Realizing this, I encourage you to see the best in all things, in all places, and in all people. Yes, this includes the horrendous things taking place on our planet. It’s possible for you and I to look beneath the circumstances and identify with the Life filling these situations. When unfortunate situations appear, use your power of perspective to focus upon the positive.

Life fills the mold which you hold within your mind.

#2 – One With All – As you look out at the world with eyes of compassion, you’ll begin to see your oneness with everything and everyone. There is a great philosopher from India named Jiddu Krishnamurti, one of the most powerful things I’ve learned from him is that whenever we feel separated from one another, conflict introduces itself. However, the more we recognize our oneness with others and the planet we stand upon, the more conflict subsides. Embracing this truth of oneness, let us focus upon our similarities instead of our differences.

If everything is One, where does conflict arise?

#3 – The Awakened State – Once you wake up, life will never be the same as you realize inwardly the value of your life and the harmonious order in which it has blossomed into existence. Continue to fill your mind with ideas that reinforce this awakening, honor your inner Essence and embrace your connection with it all.

The best way to get into an awakened state each morning is detailed in this simple 5-step guide: Click Here For Your Free Guide To Making Each Day Extraordinary

Will this Really Help

For those of you who may be a little doubtful on how creating a landscape of compassion within will help your day to day life, ask yourself this question:

Does it feel better to be positive or negative?

If the answer if positive, then I encourage you to embrace the 3 keys above, they lead towards the doorway of positivity. Once you walk through that doorway, you will have discovered the path of peace, the Kingdom within.







Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life

Creating An Inner Landscape of Compassion Photo Credit: Unsplash
3 Keys To Creating an Inner Landscape of Compassion
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