The Most Incredible Vehicle Ever

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There is an incredible vehicle we all use.

This vehicle is better than a Bugatti, better quality than a Bentley, better build than a 747, and is in our possession each day we awake.

This vehicle is an instrument that assists us in the direction of our hearts, minds, and dreams.

We experience our lives in this vehicle.

It was never purchased, and can’t be bought, though some try to sell it.

It can however, be remodeled and rearranged, based upon what the driver within wants to do.

So what is this remarkable vehicle, what is this instrument?

Our Body.

Imagine that single cell, the Genesis of your body.

Imagine all the power, wisdom, love, and knowledge in that single cell that began dividing, multiplying, and replicating the Essence of Itself into countless other cells, thus beginning the formation of your body.

We grew and grew, more and more cells were created and eventually, we entered into this world; a product of the Invisible Essence that is contained in all things.

What a sacred process we’ve all been through.

As we get older we tend to forget about how incredible our lives, our minds, and our bodies are.

We do this by blending in with others, fitting in where we are needed, and disconnecting with the Invisible Essence within ourselves, soon we have all but forgotten this sacred process.

But one of the most incredible things is that the power, wisdom, love, and knowledge of the very first cell in our body, is still there.

This power, wisdom, love, and knowledge is within each cell in your body right now.

As you read this your cells are continuing that sacred process within that they learned so many years back.

Embrace your Essence within daily.

To help us remember this sacred process and the incredible vehicle we use each day, I’ll leave you with 3 Keys To Unlocking The Gifts Within Your Body:

  1. Recognize the Life within you. Begin with a deep breath, feel that breath flow to your lungs, feel your heart beat as you breathe, as your heart beats feel the blood flowing peacefully through your body temple, feel the bones within your body that have formed to help provide structure. Know that within each of these processes in your body, in each organ, tissue, and fiber, that cells are there. Where you find cells, so too you find atoms, and within these basic building blocks of Life you will find the Invisible Essence which fills all things. You will find that Invisible Essence that has been within you each moment of your life.

  1. Daily, strengthen your connection between your Spirit, Mind, and Body, in doing so you see they all reflect the same Essence.

  1. Exercise often and enjoy foods that naturally grow from the soil of the Earth – Small, simple things each day, can add up to monumental changes as the days become weeks, months, and years.

What about you? 

What are some things that you do to Honor your Body?

Share your comments below, you never know who you may inspire.

Remember, you are the one who is driving your Body into the days of tomorrow.





Jeffon Seely

Three Key Life

The Most Incredible Vehicle Ever

2 thoughts on “The Most Incredible Vehicle Ever

  1. Hey Jeffon!

    I love this perspective of the body that makes clear in my mind the miraculous and all but impossible nature of the vehicle we inhabit during this life. At my previous job the people on my team and I were regularly reprimanded by management for not doing a good enough job, pretty normal for a lot of people I think. Well I used to always tell my teammates that management may not think any of us were competent, but the fact still remained that our ability to drive ourselves to work, log in to a computer and understand the data therein was among the most incredible and calculated phenomenon in the known universe.

    Our state of mind is a reflection of what we choose to focus on second to second and it is so easy to focus on all the stress presented to us on a daily basis, but that stress can only bring us down if we let it saturate our minds. As Shakespeare’s Hamlet put it, “Nothing good nor bad but thinking makes it so.” I try throughout each day to bring my focus to all the good in my past, the beauty right in front of me in the present and the excitement of all that could be in my future.

    The main things I use to help me focus on these things are as follows:
    1. Photography and stories (regularly looking through hundreds of photos of good good times and sharing stories about them reminds me of my great past).
    2. Yoga, snowboarding, camping and interactions with loved ones (really helps me appreciate the beauty of the present moment that my body exists in).
    3. Writing (scribbling down plans, goals, ideas, dreams and solutions for things that are troubling me help me to focus on a future full of exciting possibilities).

    Sorry for the novel, but I really liked your post and it got me thinking so I wanted to share!

    Jonny Murdock

  2. Hey Jonny,

    Thanks for your insights. I really like the way you explained how you recognized your inherent worth, even with the pressures of a demanding job.

    I wonder how many people you inspired at that job to think differently about their own stressful situations and demands of life?

    The 3 things you highlighted to stay present and connected are gems Jonny.

    I am going to work on regularly looking back through photos, expanding my knowledge of yoga, more camping, and hopefully snowboarding.

    Thanks for the inspiration Jonny.



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