Seeing the Order In Chaos

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Incredible how many things we are able to see when we look out into our world.

It’s true that Three Key Life stands for peace, respect, compassion, expansion, enlightenment, and abundance for all, but I think it is important for me to express this…

Though I stand for these powerful things mentioned above, I am by no means turning a blind eye to what is happening throughout our world.

Through my experiences in traveling and educating myself, I have witnessed some very real things happening on our planet from lack of water and food, to corruption, to poor living conditions, deteriorating soil, disease, and several other serious conditions.

It is one of my greatest wishes that all of us could find a way to live in peace, honoring and respecting one another, but from my short experience here on this earth, that’s not happening anytime soon.

The Peace and Power To Stand Upon

I am here to let you know that even amongst the turmoil, chaos, and suffering going on in our world, peace, joy, and unity surrounds us.

The peace, joy, unity, compassion, and Power that the Three Key Life stands upon, travels much deeper than this world we see. The roots of these universal qualities expand forever into the infinite, uniting all things together.

So Where Does That Peace Come From?

This peace comes from the One.

Throughout the world we use different expressions to express this One, some call It God, Energy, Life, the Universe, Allah, Light, Jah, Power, and Intelligence, to name a few.

The peace, joy, and unity that I speak of throughout Three Key Life and the More Than Money Podcast is from this One Power.

It is that which holds the planets in space, allowing the earth to orbit and rotate, in the same way electrons spin around the nucleus of atoms within the cells of our heart, lungs, and brain.

The peace, joy, and unity I speak of is shown in the unity and compassion between hydrogen and oxygen, co-creating the water on this blue planet we live upon.

This is the same Power that shines in the sun 93 million miles away. For contained within the sun is the same peace, unity, and power that is within our planet, the same unity and power found within the inner workings of our own body, our molecules and our atoms.

So when I refer to the peace, joy, unity and power that surrounds us every day, please remember it is not of this world, it is of this One Power that creates this existence we are able to experience.

Though destruction, corruption, and evil qualities may run rampant in our world, if you look deep enough in any situation you will only find this peace, joy and unity.

Remember, wherever you see life, you will also see these qualities, and where you perceive “life” failing to exist in your awareness of it, these same qualities are still there.

Peace, Joy, Unity and Love are in all things. 

How Does This Apply To Me?

This means that you are living in the world, but you are not of it.

For what we are is this Life, Power, and Energy that encompasses all things. We are a blossom of the One.

This means that we have the ability to look out into the world and observe the crazy things that are happening, but we can stand firm upon that Inner Peace, that Inner Joy, that Inner Unity that fills the cosmos.

For without this Universal Peace, Joy, Love, and Unity, Life would be unable to exist.

Standing Upon That Peace Amidst the Chaos Around Us

So how do you recognize that Inner Peace, that awakened state of mind when there is so much going on around us?

What about all the different hardships that we inevitably face, how can we stand strong upon that foundation of Peace, Joy and Unity when everything seems to be going wrong?

Below you will find Three Keys designed to strengthen the Foundations of Peace within:

1. Connect with the Life within you through meditation and true conscious awareness – This can be an incredibly powerful process and by this I don’t mean just realizing that you’re alive. What I mean is seeing that your life is the product of the *Life that fills the cosmos and beyond. It is through connecting with that *Life that you see the true peace, joy, and unity which is everywhere present.

2. Clear Mind & Pure Heart – Practice seeing *Life everywhere you go, in all people, in all things, in all situations, and know that even amongst the chaos, the Peace, Joy and Unity of the Universe is there.

3. Practice good deeds – By remaining connected in the spirit, mind and heart, your deeds can only be good. As you add your good deeds and good energy into our world, you begin to reflect the same peace found in the *Life that you’ve recognized is everywhere present. In this regard you inspire the change, in this regard you are the peace of the world.

*God, Energy, Universe, Allah, Jah, Light, Intelligence, Love – don’t get too caught up on the word. (I’ve yet to discover the proper word to encompass the All Encompassing.)

Despite the struggles and stresses that fill the tv screens and news waves, I choose to stand upon a peace that is greater than anything found in this world.

(Three Key Tweeter)

How would you like to see peace appear more in your life and our world?

In what ways could you inspire that change?

Leave your comment below, your ideas are appreciated.





Jeffon Seely

Three Key Life



photo credit:, Rick Bolin,,
Seeing the Order In Chaos
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