Power of Your Word: 3 Keys to Speak Peace

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Power of Your Word: Speak Peace

What are the various conversations you’ve had with yourself today?

What about the last week, month, or year?

If someone were to follow you around for the next 48 hours, listening to the conversations you have with yourself, what kind of things would they hear?

When I ask these questions to the attendees of the workshops I host, I’ve discovered a vast majority of the conversations taking place in our minds are negative in nature.

Conversations filled with doubts of the past, hurtful words from another, talking ourselves out of our dreams and reminding ourselves of the stumbling blocks preventing us from moving forward in our greatest potential.

When I asked myself these questions I was in awe at the lack of awareness I have for the inner dialogues taking place within each day. I’ve found a large part of my self talk is built upon the ills of yesterday and it requires some real work on my end to shift these conversations to being positive.

Speaking Life Into Existence

If your life was assembled entirely based upon the conversation taking place within yourself, would you be building a life you enjoy?

It’s fairly easy to tell ourselves we should avoid categorizing our lives in a negative way with limiting and destructive words, but it takes focus and conscious recognition to express and see our life in a positive light.

I challenge you to speak to yourself in a way that reminds you of the greatness that dwells within.

If you question your greatness, simply open your mind to the awareness of all the things that have aligned with precision to provide you with this day, this moment and your life as a whole.

Choose words that uplift and empower you for the day. Speak peacefully to yourself and you’ll see these words of peace and encouragement ripple out into the conversations you have with others.

Act as if your words build the life you live. Choose words that can create your dreams.

Some of these words include: Love, Appreciation, Gratitude, Kindness, Belief, Joy, Happiness, Connection, Power, Hope, Possibility, Support, Compassion, Unity, Energy, Abundance, Prosperity and Positivity.

Speak Peace.

Heal or Deflate

The words you speak to yourself flows out in your conversations with the people you love, the people you work alongside and the people you pass each day. Your words can cut, heal, create or destroy your inner world and they also have the potential to do the same to others.

Remember, your word bear your signature. (Tweet This Thought)

3 Keys to Speak Peace

#1 – Speak No Evil – Speak in such a way that the words flowing out of your mouth enter the minds of others and blossoms into meadows of peace, kindness and compassion. Speak no word that you don’t want to blossom into your life or the lives of others. Remember, what you wish for another you subconsciously wish for yourself.

#2 – Uplift Thyself In Word – Be aware of the conversations taking place in your mind. If your inner conversation is destructive, replace it with something positive and uplifting. It’s hard to live a positive, productive and prosperous state is you are talking to yourself in a negative, degrading and limiting way. Be aware of your words.  

#3- Embrace Silence – As my Grandma told me when I was younger, “If you don’t have something nice to say don’t say nothing at all.” Pick your words wisely and use them to empower everything and everyone. If you can’t find a positive word to empower others or yourself, choose silence.

Powerful of Words

I love you.

I appreciate you.

I respect you.

I see your light.

Thank you.

I am grateful.

I believe in myself.

My dreams happen easily, joyously and peacefully.







Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life

Photo Credit For Power of Your Word: 3 Keys to Speak Peace: Unsplash
Power of Your Word: 3 Keys to Speak Peace
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