Natural & Healthy: Delicious Dairy Free Milk

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Who Was The First?

I’ve often wondered who was the first person to drink milk from a cow?

Think about it for a minute, aside from humans, how many times have you seen an animal drink the milk of another animal.

Have you ever seen a pig drink the milk of a goat or a young colt drinking the milk of a dog?

We may be some of the only animals who drink the milk of another animal intentionally, day after day.

Isn’t cow milk made for baby cows?

I started asking myself this question many years ago. Shortly after, I quit drinking milk and chose to consume, in my opinion, healthier dairy free milks.

I was willing to make a change that steered me away from traditional milk but I was unwilling to give up eating cereal, oatmeal, and other essential meals that included milk.

The Switch

As this switch from milk to dairy free options began I saw that I was no longer purchasing gallons of milk, instead I was buying those funny cardboard-like containers of soy*, rice, hemp and almond milk from the store.

*Heavily genetically modified

I’ve bought hundreds of these containers when I think about it, however it wasn’t until recently that a friend of mine showed me how to make healthy, natural dairy free milk in my own home.

I have to say, it’s not only easy but very cost-effective. Of course, there’s an added benefit of knowing exactly what’s going into the milk I consume at home.


I am happy to have a great friend of mine, Yorusalem Zewolday, contributing the first guest post on Three Key Life.

Yorusalem has a passion for helping people make healthier choices in their lives. She has helped me discover easier and healthier meals that a not-so-talented cook like myself can enjoy.

As an exceptional cook and writer, she puts her all into sharing her unique recipes with as many people as she can.

So without further ado, I would like to introduce you to Yorusalem’s Homemade Dairy Free Milks.

Homemade Dairy Free Milks

Making dairy free milks at home is a lot easier than you think. With just a few ingredients you can transform nuts, seeds, and coconut into delicious delights that can easily be substituted for milk.

What you will need:
Blender (Vita-Mix, Health Master, Ninja)
*Cheese cloth or nut milk bag
Colander (strainer)
Large bowl

*Nut milk bags are ideal, but if you do use cheese cloth grab 3 of them for straining purposes.

Almond Milk


1 cup raw almonds
5 cups of water
11/2 tablespoon of vanilla extract
6 medjool dates

1. Soak raw almonds in water over night, drain, and rinse.
2. Puree almonds with the remaining ingredients in a blender until smooth.
3. Strain the mixture into a large bowl through a nut milk bag or a strainer lined with 3 layers of cheesecloth.
4. Refrigerate and consume within 4 days.

Makes 4 to 5 cups

Hemp Milk


1/2 cup hemp seeds
2 cups water
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
2 tablespoons of maple syrup

1. Combine all ingredients as listed and blend for about one minute, or until seeds are completely incorporated.
2. For smoother texture, strain mixture into a large bowl through a nut milk bag or a strainer lined with 3 layers of cheesecloth.
3. Refrigerate and consume within 4 days.

Makes 2 cups

Coconut Milk


1 cup finely shredded coconut flakes
2 cups of water
2 teaspoons coconut oil

1. Combine all ingredients as listed and blend for at least one minute.
2. Strain mixture into a large bowl through a nut milk bag or a strainer lined with 3 layers of cheesecloth.
3. Refrigerate and consume within 4 days.

Makes 2 cups

*You can find all these ingredients at your local natural food store.

These are 3 easy, natural and healthy dairy free milk options for all of us.

The Intention

It is not my intention to shun traditional cow milk, it is my hope that this post will help open our minds to other dairy free milk options that may potentially be healthier for our bodies and for the environment.

Try one, two, or all three of these dairy free milk options that Yorusalem introduced to us.

Let us know what you think about the recipes above in the comments below.

Healthy lives flow from healthy actions, rooted in healthy choices and decisions, anchored in healthy thoughts, which are all empowered by Life.

(Three Key Tweet)


I appreciate each and every one of you.

Incredible that it’s March of 2014 already. Time continues my friends.

It is my hope that soon our paths will cross.

Until then, eat healthy my friends.






Jeffon Seely

Three Key Life



photo credit: .imelda – –
Natural & Healthy: Delicious Dairy Free Milk
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