The Infinite: Inner Worlds

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Eyes open.

Thoughts flashing.

My family, my friends, the things I have to do today, the birds chirping outside my window, the sun shining into my bedroom.

I arise and begin my day, experiencing countless interactions with my own self and thousands of interactions with others.

Returning to my house later that evening, after a productive day, I reflect back, retracing all the different things I experienced throughout this day I was provided.

This was when a new thought appeared:

“How could I put more thought on the world in which I live, without the conscious thought of the unlimited world contained within?”

Inside Out

Lying down for bed that evening I realized that all the experiences I had this day came about because of where I went, the things I said, the things I did, as well as the people I chose to be around.

Where I chose to direct my inner self, so too, I went physically.

An example of this is, if I awake and realize I have bills that need to be paid, I get up, get dressed, walk to my car and drive to work knowing that by doing so the reward will be money in my pocket to pay the bills I realized I was responsible for earlier that morning.

That decision to go to my job placed me in a certain environment, with certain people, that created a specific experience.

If I would’ve decided not to go to work and instead headed to the bar, my experiences would have been slightly different, resulting in new chain of events.

In this you can see that we are the conductors of our symphony. Our lives flow from the inside out.

Life —> thoughts —> ideas —> choices —> decisions —> actions —> experiences (Life).

*read only if you want to adventure into the depths* – All experiences already dwell within the Life that awakes us each morning.

What Kind of World Do You Live in Inside Yourself?

If you were to take someone through your inner world, what would they see?

Would they be walking through a war zone?

A barren desert? A lush oasis? A beautiful mountainside or erupting volcanoes?

Would it be a paradise filled with calm winds, peaceful seas and abundant fruits or would it be filled with hurricanes, tornadoes, famine and drought?

As I mentioned in Episode 7 of the More Than Money Podcast, we are the ones who choose where we will live in our inner worlds.

This is an important topic of conversation because we spend our entire experience on this earth within ourselves.

We cannot escape the inner realms of our being.

We can choose to set up camp in the swamps or the meadows of our inner worlds. We have the power to create both the storms and the sunshine within ourselves.

Our atoms, molecules and cells are the inhabitants of the world we’ve created within.

Recognize the Vastness of the Infinite World Within

Think of all the thoughts you’ve had, all the decisions you’ve acted upon, all the people you’ve met, all the places you’ve been, all the things you’ve experienced.

Now try to imagine where all these things may have come from and where these memories are now stored.

These all flow from our inner worlds, our inner Life.

Our ideals, beliefs, memories and past-selves are stored throughout the endless caverns, mountaintops, oceans and caves that fill this world in which we dwell, this world within ourselves.

Our potential experiences in this life we live are infinite. So too are our inner worlds.

Our thoughts are infinite, our potential decisions and choices are infinite, and with these things being infinite, we have the possibility to experience countless events.

This is how all of the 7 billion people walking the earth each have a different experience.

The Life which gives us life is infinite.

Transforming Our Inner Worlds

So what happens if we’re experiencing hell in our inner worlds? What if we are facing a dark age within ourselves, how can we begin to take control and reshape our world?

We should all be able to rest a little easier and live more peacefully once we realize that our inner worlds are under constant transformation.

Just as tectonic plate movement constantly transforms the earth’s crust and rivers shape out canyons, we cause mountains to rise, move continents, create oceans and are the source of the natural springs within.

If you are looking to reshape your inner world or add more beauty, abundance, prosperity, love, and happiness, look no further.

The 3 Key Ways to Empower Your Inner World:

#1 – Recognize where you are currently living within your inner world – Take out a piece of paper or pull up a word document, close your eyes, and start writing. Describe what your inner world looks like right now. Be as descriptive as possible. Once you’ve finished this, ask yourself, “Is this the environment that I truly want to live in?”

#2 – Know what you want your inner world to look like – Once you see where you are currently living in your inner world, start envisioning what you would like your inner world to look like. Be as creative and imaginative as possible. Remember, your inner world is infinite, you can create it however you desire.

#3 – Everyday, recognize, honor, nourish, and strengthen your inner world – This is done by spending time in the peace and comfort of the inner world you have created. Our inner worlds are always transforming and we are the driving force. What you honor, nourish and strengthen will grow within you, be it ugly or beautiful.

See the Reflections

As you begin to put more thought on the unlimited world contained within, you will start to see your inner world appearing in your physical interactions.

All the areas of our physical lives reflect our inner world.

Recognize the light within and you will outshine the sun.

(Three Key Tweet)

Your Thoughts

What are some transformations you think we could make to improve the quality of our inner worlds?

Leave your comments below. You never know who you may inspire.


Thanks to all of you for helping me find so much more light within my inner world.

May our lights shine together.

Thanks for being a part of the Three Key Life community.






Jeffon Seely

Three Key Life




photo credit: – c@rljones – href=” –
The Infinite: Inner Worlds
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