Compare Thyself to None

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Curse of Comparison

Imagine if we all found something that brought us to life.

Imagine if those things that brought us to life not only empowered ourselves, but added more value to the lives of our fellow men and women.

Imagine if we awoke each day, excited about life, knowing that we we’re doing something that’s not only helping our lives and the lives of our family members, but is also helping the entire world.

Imagine if we found a way to truly honor our inner Essence in all the things we did throughout our days.

Imagine if we truly recognized and honored the inner Essence of our fellow beings.

Imagine if as we got older, we grew wiser and rested easier, knowing that we had imparted to the future generations not only knowledge, but inspiring examples of how to live an empowering life.

Just imagine.

I think we can all feel that joy we’ve just created within.

Traces of Our Upbringing

I don’t know about you but when I was growing up, throughout my days of grammar school, college and my professional life, I wasn’t taught to imagine this type of life at all, instead I was taught to compare.

I was taught to score good on the test, stay ahead of the pack and land a better job than the person next to me; I’ve seen many people do that at any cost.

In sports, I was taught to expose my opponents’ weaknesses, exploiting them at their lowest moments in order to propel myself and my team forward.

The roots of comparison began to grow for many of us early in our lives. I still know people today who are comparing themselves to their brothers and sisters.

Superior vs Inferior

In this kind of comparative world we immediately create separation, making one person superior and the other inferior.

What I know to be true is that all are superior.

If there is Life within you, then you are not lower or higher than any man, woman, or child.

Equal we are.

Releasing Comparisons

So what happens when we stop comparing ourselves to others?

We begin to discover who and what we truly are, freeing ourselves from the rigid edges of comparison.

“When I don’t compare, I am beginning to understand what I am.” – Jiddu Krishnamurti  

(Three Key Tweet)

Through releasing comparisons, we give ourselves permission to be ourselves.

We quit giving our energy away to the debilitating thoughts of comparison. We quit spending our days trying to imitate other people and in that, we find who we truly are.

As we build our awareness of this, we have the opportunity to begin replacing those thoughts of comparison with thoughts that lead us towards the discovery of our true gifts, our true purpose and our true selves.

We all have gifts, abilities, talents and a reason why we are here walking this earth, but if we spend all our time comparing ourselves to another person it’s easy to forget the endless potential we have hidden within.

Releasing toxic thoughts creates the space for you to embrace the true you.

Understanding What I Am

In order to fully recognize who we truly are we have to know the proper ways to stop comparing ourselves to another.

The thoughts of comparison run deep for some of us; if you’re anything like me, there are times that you don’t even know you are comparing yourself to another person.

So as with anything, replacing the limiting thoughts of comparison takes true work on our part. We think our own thoughts and no one is going to stop those thoughts of comparison for you.

Here are some simple things you can do today to release thoughts of comparison and start recognizing the true You.

#1 – Know that all things which have Life have a Seed of Greatness in them – In the peace and stillness of yourself spend a moment to recognize the unique Seed of Greatness that dwells within you. As you recognize this Seed within, know that this same Essence which gives you life, gives life to all. Compare yourself to none because all Life is superior.

#2 – Uncover Your Gifts, Passions, and Unlimited Potential within – Know that within the Seed of Greatness that lies within you rests your greatest potential. Find and honor those things within yourself that bring you to life. In doing so, you’ll have no need to compare yourself to another because you are fully alive, fully being you.

#3 – Let Them Be Them & You Be You – Honor your gifts, your life, your thoughts, and allow everyone else to do the same. Compare yourself to none, we are all unique, we just walk different paths.

Light as a Feather

Once we’ve released the heavy thoughts of comparison we become lighter, no longer weighed down with the pressures of being better than the person next to us, but empowered and inspired to do those things which honor the Life and gifts that rest within.


What gifts, passions, abilities, talents do you have that bring you to life? How could you begin to bring those things out into our world?


I am very grateful for each and every one of you.

Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to visit Three Key Life.

You are helping me grow in ways that I never imagined.

Thank you for inspiring me to be better.







Jeffon Seely

Three Key Life


photo credit: – Broo_am (Andy B) – –
Compare Thyself to None
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