Conscious Eating

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Conscious Eating

In previous weeks, I’ve spent time sharing simple, healthy recipes that we can begin to add to our lives. Things such as Kale Chips and Dairy Free Milk.

I’ve also spent some time highlighting the different chemicals that fill our food.

This week I will do none of the above.

It is my hope that by the end of this post you will be able to think differently about each piece of food you eat and each glass of what you drink.

Did you hear about this?

In the 1990’s a doctor by the name of Masaru Emoto performed an experiment to show the power of thoughts and intentions.

The goal of this doctor was to see if thoughts and intentions affected water or rice.

He began with water samples from the Fujiwara Dam in Japan.

The water molecules from the Fujiwara Dam

Before Dam

He placed positive and negative sayings on the side of the jars of water that said things such as, “Thank You, I Hate You I Will Kill You, as well as Love and Appreciation.”

Over the course of 30 days, he recited the words, directing his feelings and intentions towards the water.

After 30 days, this is what the water crystals looked like:

Thank You


I Hate You I Will Kill You

IHateLove & Appreciation 


After Receiving Prayer 

After Prayer

The results Dr. Emoto displayed above are truly astounding.

He also did a similar experiment with rice and experienced similar results.

You can visit Dr. Emoto’s website here.

*It is my belief that the words didn’t do much other than help provide the feelings, emotions, thoughts, and intention towards the water.*

Real or Fake

It is my opinion that this experiment shows something very important, the power of our thoughts and intentions.

Even more powerful still is that the thoughts and intentions we direct towards our food become that which nourishes our body, affecting our cells with the same thoughts and intentions.

Some people may not fully agree with this experiment and are able to spot flaws. Things like, were all the water crystals affected in the same way, were the containers sealed the same, did the people conducting the experiment take in all possible disturbances?

I have no answers for those questions, but what I do know is this…


Imagine when someone you are around is constantly sending you negative thoughts, negative vibes or thinking down upon you every time you’re in their company. Try to imagine the looks and glares that person gives you, cursing you within their minds.

When someone does that to you, can you feel that negative energy coming towards you? That anger, jealousy or hatred?

If you’re anything like me then of course you can.

If we can feel those types of non-verbal thoughts and intentions, then it would be fair to believe that other molecules can be affected based on the intentions and thoughts we direct towards them.

Believe It or Not

Whether you believe the totality of this experiment or not, it wouldn’t hurt us one bit to begin changing the thoughts we send towards each morsel we eat and drop of water we drink.

Think about it for a moment:

  • What is the last thought you sent towards the food you ate today?
  • Not just when you were consuming it, but also when you were buying it?
  • What were the thoughts you sent towards your food as you prepared it to eat?
  • Did you even recognize all the thoughts and energy you truly put into the food you ate today?

I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t always recognize this. In fact, as I write this post I am beginning to understand for myself the importance of honoring each piece of food I eat, honoring the entire process.

Empower Your Food

What are some of the ways to super-infuse our food with good energy, good thoughts and intentions, regardless of what may be in it?

Here are the 3 key ways to empower each morsel of food we eat and each drop of water we drink.

#1 – Truly recognize the food you eat – I don’t mean only recognizing it as it sits in front of you, but recognize all that has gone into enabling your food to be. If you don’t know what I mean by this check out this post I wrote about consuming the cosmos.

#2 – Feed your food before it feeds you – After recognizing your food, spend some time in a state of gratitude. The way you feed your food is through intention and conscious thought. You are about to consume the food and allow it to nourish you, might as well spend a few moments feeding it with good intentions.

#3 – Know that the food you strengthen consciously strengthens you – Know that the intentions you feed your food become nourishment for your body. Make your food conscious food.

My challenge to you is this:

Regardless of the kind of food you eat, take some time to empower it today.

And if you don’t try any of these things mentioned above, at least be grateful for the food you have to eat and the water you have to drink.

What a great privilege it is to walk over to a faucet and get fresh water.


Speaking of gratitude, I am thankful for you.

Thank you for taking a moment out of your day to visit Three Key Life.

Your time and energy is greatly appreciated.

May your day blossom abundantly.

Today, honor your spirit, center your mind, and strengthen your body.

(Three Key Tweet)






Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life


Conscious Eating Photo Credit: – – postbear – -


Emoto’s doctorate is in Alternative Medicine, from the Open University of Mumbai.
Ho, Mae-Wan, “Crystal Clear: Messages from Water.” Accessed from the Institute of Science in Society, February 2014.
– Emoto, Masaru. “The Hidden Messages in Water,” Atria Books, 2004.
Conscious Eating
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