10 Inspirational Hacks I Wish I’d Known Earlier

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10 Inspirational Hacks I Wish I’d Known Earlier

I think we can all attest, if we could go back in time knowing the things we know now, we would do a few things differently.

If we could go back in time, most of us would maximize on some opportunities we dismissed too quickly, others would make some different decisions that would completely redirected their experience.

I was thinking about some of the ignorant choices I’ve made in the past, things like speaking down to another person, disrespecting my inner gifts and talents, and those times where I didn’t follow the advice I received from someone who had my best interest in mind.

Unfortunately we can’t go back in time and do things different, however, we have the opportunity in this moment of now to live in a new way so that when we look back at our lives 10 years from today we’ll know internally that we did the best we could.

Here are 10 Inspirational Hacks I wish I knew 10 years ago.

10 Inspirational Hacks

#1 – Develop the Habit of Giving More –  Just imagine if you went back 5 or 10 years and went the extra mile in the areas that matter most in your life. If you were in school this would mean you did more than was asked of you, at your place of employment you went above and beyond your expected role. At your home you ensured people felt loved, appreciated and respected and in your individual life you worked even harder on cultivating your inner gifts and abilities.

Now ask yourself, what would my life look like if I went the extra mile in the areas that matter most for the next 12 months?

You can go the extra mile today in your life. If you do, and do so consistently, imagine where you’ll be 3 years from today.

“It’s never crowded along the extra mile.” -Wayne Dyer

#2 – Study the Wisdom Of Others – Do you realize there are people who have walked upon this planet and overcome the most difficult of situations, experiencing the same feelings of fear, overwhelm and unworthiness that may be within you only to blossom into their true potential, becoming successes along the way?

Many of these people wrote about their journey. When we pick up a good book that aligns with our spirit, whether it’s the writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson, Ernest Holmes, the autobiography of Walt Disney or Benjamin Franklin, we can find endless wisdom and knowledge that can help us blossom into our best.

A Few Great Books I Recommend.

#3 – Inner Value – I wish I would have known 10 years ago that while money is important and the place where I work matters, it is I who makes worth out of the worthless. I don’t mean walk around like King Midas, touching everything and turning it into gold, but I do mean my inner Essence, the Life that fills me is that which gives money, jobs, degrees and occupations their value.

We are as valuable and worthy as anyone who has ever walked upon this planet.

#4 – Power of Perspective – We don’t have to get hung up on the approval of others, at any given moment we can adjust our perspective and see ourselves in the highest light.

We see the world with our own eyes and take in the world with our own mind. We can see the world covered in beauty, opportunity and blessings just as easily as we can use our eyes to see destruction, hardship and struggle.

I control my perspective.

#5 – Impermanence of Life – There is one guarantee in this life we are born into. The guarantee is that a time will come when we take our last breath and fade into the Infinite from which we came.

We are here one moment and then we are gone. Value everyone. Find time to appreciate everything and let gratitude fill your experience.

#6 – I’m Not Always Right – There were plenty of times in the past where I defended a position that was wrong; times where I let my ego run wild and confront others as if I were put here to correct them.

I’ve since learned that everyone is dwelling within their own mind, their own consciousness, therefore everyone is right in the mind they use to see the world. Recognizing this, I can humble myself to see the way in which others view this world we share.

#7 – Work On Self – The greatest work we can do is the work we do on ourselves. It is the inner work which creates the outer transformations. While striving for a degree, a job or good grades, remind yourself that the achievements don’t make you, it is the person you become that determines your plot in life.

The greatest work we can do is the work within ourselves.

“Make the most of yourself….for that is all there is of you.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson

#8 – Compound Effect – Build upon your past successes and accomplishments. When you look back at your life you can reflect upon the negative just as easy as the positive.

When we build our current experience on a foundation of our past accomplishments we are reminded of the great amount of progress we’ve made throughout our life. Build upon the good of life, not the negative and toxic experiences which may have pierced your past.

#9 – The Power of Self Talk – The most important conversation that is taking place in our lives is the conversation taking place within our mind.

What is the conversation like that is going on in your mind? Is it one that propels you into your greatness or one that cripples your growth?

Become your best friend.

#10 – Universal Connection To Life – There is but One underlying Essence filling all things.

Opening your consciousness to this awareness, one can understand that which they seek is the Essence and Energy that enables them to do the seeking.

Adopting These 10 Inspirational Hacks To Your Life

Choose one of these hacks above and invite it to join you in your daily life.

Remember, when you look back 10 years from today, you can say that this was the moment that shifted everything or you can look back and wish you could do it again.

Be the best you possible.







Jeffon Seely

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10 Inspirational Hacks I Wish I’d Known Earlier
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