The Major Blocks Holding People Back From Their Own Power

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The Major Blocks of Life

There comes a point in our experience when we must look honestly at our lives and identify the things we believe are holding us back from being our best.

If asked, the vast majority of us could pinpoint a handful of major blocks we believe are holding us back from our greatness.

Think about your life, how many times have you had an abundant opportunity that could propel you forward, whether it be a job position, business venture, or new relationship, only to immediately focus on the major blocks preventing you from embracing the new opportunity?

I think about my life and all the times I’ve quickly dismissed opportunities because of the blocks I believed were preventing me from moving forward. These were the times my friend’s father offered me a job position at Ernst and Young and I told him, “I wish I could do that, but…….”

Or the other time I was offered an opportunity to begin real estate investing in Seattle, only to highlight all the reasons why I could not be successful. I remember saying things like, “I don’t think I could do that because…….”

There was that time when I met a new person who aligned with my life, mission and the things I was doing, only to then bring out the turmoil I’d experienced in previous relationships, eventually poisoning my new relationship with old and toxic thoughts.

I’ve learned throughout the years that I must become aware and conscious of the obstacles I believe are preventing me from my greatest existence before I can overcome them and step into my greatness.

Identifying The Major Blocks In Life

There are many blocks preventing people from moving forward. I’ve spent some time looking back through my life and identifying the most common blocks that have kept me from stepping towards my dreams.

I encourage you all to look deeper within yourselves and identify which ones are holding you back from greatness.

Here are a few I think we can all relate to:

Lack of Belief – It’s hard to make progress on your goals and step into your abundance if you don’t believe in yourself. I’ve found in my life I lose belief in myself most when I am constantly comparing myself to others, when I forget to connect with the Life that awakens me and when I allow the opinions of others to determine the direction I take my day to day life.

Low Self Image – It is becoming more and more common now days, people getting dolled up and polished on the exterior but are crumbling inside. It matters not how well put together you appear to be, if your inner world is immersed in darkness, it will seep out into your life.

Focus on Past Failures – I’ve found that I cannot create more success in my life if I am focused upon the failures that have appeared in the past. It’s incredible the amount of time we spend each week allowing a past failure to subconsciously prevent us from moving into our inherent greatness through honoring our gifts and abilities.

Negative Stories about Life – It’s difficult to transform our lives for the positive if we create and subscribe to a negative story about our life. Looking back at my youth, adolescence into early adulthood, I could have easily identified with the suffering of the ones I loved, being raised with my grandparents, growing up without a dad and witnessing the harsh realities of poverty. I didn’t see these as negatives but as opportunities that were provided for me to grow into a better version of myself.

What is your story of life?

Toxic Thoughts –  The final major block I’ve seen reveal its ugly face in my life comes in the form of toxic thoughts. I’ve found that I cannot create anything other than what I focus my thoughts upon. In the past I’ve allowed toxic thoughts to seep into my pure potential just like a sewage plant releasing the waste into a pristine mountain river. Toxic thoughts eventually poison the preciousness of today.

The Creator of These Major Blocks

So now that we’ve identified a few of the major blocks that hold people back from their own power, let’s look deeper at the person who assembled these seemingly insurmountable blockades.

The person who creates each block in your life is…… YOU.

Realizing this you can see you have the power to completely transform and burst through the blocks you’ve found in your experience.

Take time each day to recognize that your inner power gives you the ability to build the biggest blocks imaginable just as easily as it can be used to cut through the b.s. and nonsense to create new and abundant doorways of opportunity.

If you are seeking to find the person who can remove the major blocks keeping you from the greatest life possible, look within.

3 Key Ways To Remove Major Blocks In Life

#1 – Enhance Yourself Self-Image – Learn to honor, appreciate and respect yourself. Enhance your self-image. The best way to do this is to recognize that you are one of a kind. Your life is more valuable than you can imagine, just think about all that has happened throughout history to bring you to this moment of now. One way I raise my self-image when it slips is to remind myself that this life only happens once, my interactions with others matter and the way I spend my time each day impacts not just me, but the entire world.

I can uplift, empower or inspire just as easily as hurt, deflate and spread suffering. The way I see myself helps dictate this.

#2 – Focus On Your Accomplishments – For this week and beyond, I encourage you to no longer focus on all the negatives, failures and setbacks that have shown up in your life, instead focus on all your successes regardless how small. Build your life from this day forward  upon all the successes that have graced your life in the past. You’ll see that the successes of yesterday is the foundation that you build your greatness upon today.

#3 – Shift Your Story – What are the stories you tell yourself each day? Are these stories centered upon your uniqueness, talents and abundant experiences of the past or are these stories focused around hurt, pain, turmoil and suffering?

The stories we tell ourselves become the world we find ourselves in. If you hope to shift into your abundance, embracing your gifts and sharing your Essence with the world, you must create a story that supports that vision.

Make your story of life an empowering one.


These major blocks we’ve identified in our life are the stepping stones required to take our lives into new levels.

Allow these major blocks to act as the elevator that can to transport you into the highest of highs.

Believe. See. Know and Grow Into The Greatest You.







Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life



The Major Blocks Holding People Back From Their Own Power
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