How to Awaken to Your Greatness and Escape the Traps of Average

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How to Awaken to Your Greatness and Escape the Traps of Average

Have you ever noticed we have the ability to do anything we’d like to do in our life?

Have you ever stopped for a moment and thought about all the gifts, talents and unique abilities that dwell within you?

Often we get so preoccupied with our day-to-day life (bills, work, relationships, TV, social media, and a large assortment of other things), that our attention is pulled away from this present moment and we completely forget about our innermost gifts.

What would happen if you gave yourself permission to wake up to the unique, one-of-a-kind individual that you are? How would that impact your family and those you love?

My next question is, what is preventing you from dismissing the unnecessary and catapulting into the exceptional?

Let this be the day we awaken.

Traps of Average

Look around your community today, keep your eyes open at the various stores you enter, be attentive of the posts and comments people share on the internet and you’ll recognize a common theme, Average.

I was speaking with my friend the other day about the small number of people who actually find enjoyment, abundance, happiness, spirituality and prosperity throughout their days.

Now don’t get me wrong, there are people who have peace spiritually, but are broke in a financial sense. There are people who are extremely wealthy, but lack depth in relationships and inner peace.

On the flip side, there are people who have deep relationships but are poor in health and others who have a strong body but a weak heart.

What must we do to awaken and rise out of the average trap?

How can you and I live our lives in such a way we are honoring the 3 Keys of our being, Spirit, Mind and Body?

It’s simple, we must begin to do things in a new way, rising out of the stagnant ideas that held us hostage yesterday.

3 Keys to Awaken Your Greatness and Escape the Traps of Average

#1 – Recognize the Greatness Within You – It’s obvious, if we don’t believe we have greatness, talents and gifts within, then we’ll never be able to find them and bring them out into the world. This is too common in this day and age, we are quick to compare ourselves to another person and discount our own talents and gifts.

I encourage you to spend some time and see yourself as great and your life as being filled with incredible opportunities. Allow this knowing to propel you forward into your best.

#2 – Write Down Your Gifts – When was the last time you wrote down your gifts, goals and highest aspirations? Or are you the type of person who thinks of your goals in your mind without ever putting the pen to paper? It’s largely known that by writing out your goals you cement them further within your conscious and subconscious mind. On top of this, it will keep you on track when the days get hectic or stress tries to derail you from your highest and best.

I encourage you to write your goals daily to keep you focused.

#3 – Never Be The Same – Once you expand past a certain idea, recognizing the truth of who and what you are, you will never be the same. As we grow inwardly, we expand outwardly. Realizing this truth, I encourage you to find courage and confidence to step into your full potential, dismissing the fear.

Life expands to fit the image you hold of it within your mind. Be infinite by seeing the infinite opportunities that are dwelling within and surrounding you.

Greater Inspiration and Empowerment

If you are seeking to expand into your greatness and awaken to your inherent gifts and abilities, I encourage you to check out my newest creation, Book of Essence: Poems of Inspiration, Stories of Empowerment and the Key That Unlocks the Greatest You.

This book will assist you in recognizing the gifts within and help you escape the traps of average.

I believe in you.







Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life

Photo Credit for How to Awaken To Your Greatness and Escape the Traps of Average – Unsplash
How to Awaken to Your Greatness and Escape the Traps of Average
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