Book of Essence: Poems of Inspiration, Stories of Empowerment and the Key That Unlocks the Greatest You – Hard Work Pays Off

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Book of Essence – Hard Work Pays Off

This past year I’ve been spending time here and there, centering my thoughts and jotting down insights that bounce into my mind.

Aside from continuing to write on Three Key Life, I’ve let my mind continue to ponder this incredible life we have to live. Throughout this process, I assembled these thoughts into poetic compositions of inspiration, encouragement and hope.

A few of these poems acted like small seeds that sprouted into stories of empowerment that not only provided me with some light along my journey, but as I shared them with others, reminded those individuals of the light and energy they have within themselves as well.

The years, months, late night editing sessions, conversations with the book printer, my designer and the editors have all paid off.

I am grateful to announce the first published Three Key Life creation entitled, Book of Essence: Poems of Inspiration, Stories of Empowerment and the Key That Unlocks the Greatest You.

It All Aligns

It’s interesting to think of all that goes into creating something like a book, a creative expression, or any business project you dedicate yourself too.

At first you seem to move ahead with an incredible amount of steam and determination, but over time, as the deadlines approach and the first burst of momentum slowly burns off, many drudge along to reach the completion of the specific endeavor.

However, with some persistence and remaining determination, everything all seems to align.

This is exactly what happened with the creation of the Book of Essence. For those of you who have read TKL for any considerable amount of time, you may have noticed grammatical errors, simple edits I overlooked and blatant misspelled words filling the blog posts.

This is why I am extremely thankful for all the people who stepped up to help me along this process of writing my first major book.

My great friends Zak Elstein and Jonny Murdock, who looked over the 173 page book, ensuring the i’s were dotted and t’s crossed.

Being that I have no skill in design, I am grateful for my friend Bobby Davis who spent hours helping with the design of this book, placing his unique stamp alongside some of the most uplifting and inspiring poems.

In addition to these wonderful people, there have been others like Kenji Goode who opened his studio for me to record the audio book, and Penelope Williams who played beautiful meditation music for the Visualization section of the audio book. I also cannot forget Robert Hannon who mixed and mastered the audio version of the Book of Essence. For their time and energy I am extremely grateful.

Now aside from these powerful people, there was the book printing company who went above and beyond to ensure the Book of Essence was perfect.

To all these people who helped with this book and all those where were behind the scenes, I’d like to acknowledge and thank them for being a part of this wonderful process.

It all aligns when you keep moving forward in the direction of your dreams. Thank you.

Ups, Downs and In Between

Some of you may ask, “was it all smooth sailing?”

No, but yes. I found that I was the greatest obstacle in this process. Truth is, this book could have been done a year ago, but I was awaiting perfection.

As many of us know, perfection is a great way to procrastinate. I think that was what I was actually doing, procrastinating.

Despite the lengths it took to share this book with you and the world, it all came together in the exact way it was supposed to.

My insight to you who are working on a big project in the coming weeks, months, or years is to keep your energy in a positive place, keep your mind and thoughts in an uplifting and encouraging state, and despite how difficult it may become, keep going.

With inner direction and motivation you can accomplish what you are setting out to do.

Don’t stop.

3 Key Reasons Why The Book of Essence is For You

If you’re considering purchasing this book, let me tell you a few key reasons why the Book of Essence is for you.. 3 Key reasons in particular:

#1 – Inspiration – The Book of Essence is filled with over 57 poems of inspiration that remind you that you have what it takes to step into your highest and best state of being. In addition to these inspirational poems, there is a visualization section that can help you uncover an abundant spring of inspiration that is always flowing within.

#2 – Empowerment – There are 5 main sections of the Book of Essence. At the end of each of these sections there is one story of empowerment designed to instill encouragement that can be used in times of beauty and success or hopelessness and stress. Embracing these 5 stories of empowerment in the Book of Essence, you’ll be on your way to uncovering the necessary empowerment to propel you into new and greater levels of life.

#3 – The Key Within – The final reason I know the Book of Essence is for you is that as you embrace the inspiration and empowerment, continuing to move into higher levels of wisdom and knowledge, I am confident you will suddenly remember that the key which unlocks the greatest you isn’t found in the world, but within yourself. The Book of Essence acts as a lamp that helps shine a light of hope within, allowing you to uncover the key that can unlock your highest and best.

Get Your Book of Essence Today

You can get your copy of the Book of Essence: Poems of Inspiration, Stories of Empowerment and the Key That Unlocks the Greatest You, by going to

I am confident this book won’t be one that you just read once and set aside, but will be a wonderful companion as you continue throughout this incredible experience of life.

Thank you for shining your light into my experience and helping to make this possible. Whether you realize it or not, your light and life has influenced my experience more than you are probably aware.

Thank you for that.







Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life



Book of Essence: Poems of Inspiration, Stories of Empowerment and the Key That Unlocks the Greatest You – Hard Work Pays Off
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