Creating Positive Momentum: Moving Toward Your Goals, Dreams and Aspirations

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Creating Positive Momentum We are always moving toward something, but too often we don’t take time to recognize the things we are moving towards. Take today for instance, what are the activities you’re going to dedicate yourself to? Are these areas that will take you into your dreams, aspirations, and help you accomplish your greatest […]

Resurrect Thyself: The Deeper Meaning of Easter

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Resurrect Thyself: Hidden Meaning The days silently stretch, holding their light a little longer as the leaves slowly return to the trees and bees hover from blossom to blossom. The warmth from above returns to the cold fields as the dormant seeds awaken from their slumber. Stories of resurrections, rabbits, and century old traditions float […]

Outer Reflections: The Hidden Truth & Untold Black History

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The Hidden Truth & Untold Black History There’s a deep reservoir of wisdom amongst us. A rich history hidden from our view. These untold stories have become overgrown doorways of truth, capable of transcending generations. It’s time to uncover the secrets that have been tucked away in the minds of historians, religious leaders and educators […]

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