Ideas, Sayings & Insights of Inspiration to Jump Start the Day

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Inspiration to Jump Start the Day

Imagine for a moment.

You awaken to the sound of a blaring alarm you’ve dreaded every morning since your elementary days.

Slowly you reach across your bed in desperation to capture a few more moments of sleep. You hit the snooze button and start drifting off into bliss, only to again be rudely interrupted by the same alarm that’s been haunting you for years.

This day isn’t a day you want to get up. You’d rather rest and relax than begin another typical day. Finally, you summon the courage to arise from bed and start the morning. You feel a little frustrated and irritated, but life must go on. After all, you have bills, a job and people who are depending on you.

You half-heartedly awaken and mosey through your morning routine, eventually heading off to your destination.

If you’re anything like me, then you’ve probably experienced this dreadful morning syndrome at least once in your life. Some of us experience this syndrome for years. It seems to hit us hardest when we don’t know the purpose for our day.

Now imagine if you could jump start your day. What if you were able to “hook jumper cables” up to your mind whenever these dreadful morning spells occurred? You could shock yourself into a state of empowerment and inspiration while fully knowing the direction you’d like to take your day and life.

Well I think I’ve discovered a pair of old rusty jumper cables that just might work.

You can’t attach them physically, but you can internally attach them to your mind and instantly fill your days with energy and your life with purpose.

Jump Start the Day

What are these jumper cables? They are ideas, sayings and insights of inspiration that have the power to jump start our day.

Think about it for a moment, if we awake in the morning filled with worrisome ideas, anxious thoughts and feelings of frustration, why couldn’t we immediately go to a thought or thoughts that reverse the negative feelings within.

I’ve used this in my own life and have compiled an assortment of thoughts we can use as soon as we awake. These ideas, sayings and insights will not only help to reverse any negative thoughts we have for the day but will strengthen our inner confidence and motivate us to follow our passions.

The first hour or two we have each morning can be the essential building blocks for our days and, more importantly, our lives.

A great resource I’d like to recommend to jump start the day is my free Ebook, ‘5 Key Ways To Maximize The Day.’ Get it free by joining the TKL community in the sidebar.

I invite you to embrace your power. No longer dreading the morning, instead capturing the magic of it and building a beautiful day upon it.

10 Ideas That Will Jump Start the Day

“I will be my best today.” – Jeffon Seely

“If you want to conquer the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath.”        – Amit Ray

“A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds.” – Francis Bacon

“Morning is an important time of day, because how you spend your morning can often tell you what kind of day you are going to have.” – Lemony Snicket

“Some men give up their designs when they have almost reached the goal; while others, on the contrary, obtain a victory by exerting, at the last moment, more vigorous efforts than before.” – Polybius

“If you believe you can, you probably can. If you believe you won’t, you most assuredly won’t. Belief is the ignition switch that gets you off the launching pad.“ – Denis Waitley

“I’m always thinking about creating. My future starts when I wake up every morning. Every day I find something creative to do with my life.” – Miles Davis

“Life is available only in the present moment.” – Thich Nhat Hanh

“Life is the art of drawing without an eraser.” – John W. Gardner

These 9 quotes are powerful thoughts that, when embraced internally, can shake the cobwebs from our minds each morning and provide us with direction. I have one more idea I use each morning to jump start each day. Write this idea down or print it and keep it close to your nightstand.

The final thought is this:

“My body which is awakened this morning, gives praise and thanks to the cosmos, galaxies and stars throughout the universe, for I am apart of them.

My mind, crackles with infinite possibilities empowered by this Invisible Presence which has been beating my heart, assisting in the creation of cells and providing me with a life to experience.

Today as I arise from bed, I am grateful for all that has gone into creating the me I am today. I move through this day with purpose, peace and poise, knowing that I am lead to the opportunities that await me, the people that hope to meet me and the environments that await my presence.

I am no greater than anyone else, but this day, I choose to stand in my greatness. Negative thoughts, debilitating ideas, and painful feelings can pass through me, but cannot build their houses within me. I create my inner world and today I choose peace, joy and prosperity.

What a great day this is to be awake and alive.”

Powerful Morning Routine

Spend time creating a powerful morning routine. Remember you are the captain of your ship, literally co-creating your entire experience.

A great morning routine to start with can be found in my free Ebook. You can get it by signing up at the end of this post..

Once you get it, feel free to use, revise and add what works best for you.


Let us all find gratitude knowing that regardless of the outer world’s reflections, we can uncover an endless peace within.

Let us be grateful knowing that as we positively jumpstart our days with thoughts of empowerment, inspiration and peace, we directly influence the quality of our experience.

We can do a lot within our individual lives when you really think about it.

Be well.







Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life


Jump Start the Day Photo Credit: FailedImitator via photopin cc
Ideas, Sayings & Insights of Inspiration to Jump Start the Day
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