The Great Awakening Taking Place

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The Awakening Taking Place

A while back, I had the opportunity to share some thoughts discussed here on TKL in front of a few hundred people. During this speech, which can be seen here, I asked the people I was standing before a question, and the response I got was overwhelming.

Looking out across our world, it’s evident that there’s something happening. No, I don’t mean more corruption, separation, wars, conflicts and oppression, though many would focus upon this. Instead, I’m drawing reference to the powerful awakening taking place throughout our globe, within countless men, women and children.

I encourage you to stop what you’re doing for a moment and answer this question for yourself:

“Is there something within me that’s pulling me, inviting me and encouraging me to live bigger, fuller and better, with more peace, joy and abundance?”

I believe that the majority of us have felt this inner calling. In fact, when I asked this question during my speech, over 90% of the participants raised their hand indicating they’d felt this inner awakening.

Unfortunately, out of those who can feel this invitation to honor our true selves, few makes the commitment to become what they inwardly know they’re capable of.

May sound a little far-fetched, a little woo-wooish, or even sketchy to some, but if we look deep enough within ourselves we’ll discover that there’s an awakening taking place on an individual level within the entire population.

This awakening has the power to produce the solutions that can heal the ills of our current world.

We are the solution. Awaken and Be.

Responding to the Inner Call

We can choose to awaken or we can choose to ignore this call. This choice will determine whether we create new experiences in our lives or whether we continue to produce the results we’ve been experiencing.

This inner call whispers different ideas, endeavors and opportunities to each of us.

What brings me to life, writing, speaking, and teaching may not be your forte.

You might be brought to life by healing and helping others, software development, strengthening the environment, serving and protecting others or producing healthy food from the earth.

We are all unique. Therefore, our inner calling will be unique to each of us. Don’t be afraid to respond to this calling and become that which you are here to be.

If you choose to ignore this call, then get used to the life you’re currently living.

Without change, (from the inside out), things stay the same. (Three Key Tweet)

How will you respond to the awakening taking place?

Choosing to Awaken

Those of us who are willing to awaken watch as our world immediately transforms on an individual level.

We suddenly start to live different. Using our time and energy to step towards our gifts and inherent greatness we’ve come equipped with to this world.

Those of us who choose to awaken begin to look at life from a new perspective. We recognize the exceptional things we are capable of, regardless of the past. We also realize that this experience of life comes this way but once. We use our lives in such a way that the gifts we share with the world outlast the lives we live.

All must flow from the inside out.

The Awakened

As you go throughout your day, do your best to recognize those individuals who are following their hearts and being a beneficial presence on our planet.

If you don’t see anyone living this way, then it may be a sign that you can become the example.

Think thoughts of compassion and peace. Choose choices of respect and honor while using your actions to make a real world difference here and now. Not only benefiting your life and the lives of those you love, but using your energy in such a way that you’re honoring the planet you’re upon and the people you share it with.

3 Keys To Assist Us In Our Awakening

For those who respond to the awakening taking place, I have a few keys that can assist:

#1 – Greatness Within – We must first recognize that all awakenings take place from the inside out. For those of us who can open our minds to this realization, we’ll be able to see that everything we seek to become, we already are within. The best you is already inside you. Find the strength to draw it out from within.

#2 – Reason For Everything – Everything happens for a reason, including the inner calling that’s seeking to be expressed through you. As we respond to that calling within, we can watch as that awakening not only transforms our lives, but manifests the power to impact the entire world.

#3 – Being the Light – As we awaken to our inherent gifts, greatness, talents and the power within, we become the “light.” Not just the “light” of our individual lives and realities, but we can begin to illuminate the lives of those who may be lost or have yet to awaken to their own power. You never know who is waiting for you to shine your light a little brighter and share your gifts a little more.


Find gratitude knowing that the best of you rests at the depths of you.

Be grateful knowing that you can call this greatness forth, honoring the awakening taking place across our globe.

You are appreciated.







Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life


The Great Awakening Taking Place Photo Credit: Athens Yoga via photopin cc
The Great Awakening Taking Place
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