Gratitude Post 10: The Gift of Life

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Gratitude Post 10: The Gift of Life

On the 4th Wednesday of every month, I like to take some time here on TKL and share a gratitude post with you. The intention of this post is to help strengthen the gratitude you have in, and for, your life.

This month’s gratitude post highlights one of those things that many of us take for granted.


The Gift of Life

Earlier this week I celebrated my birthday. This day, the 25th of November, provided me with a great opportunity to open my heart, my mind and my spirit to the immense amount of things that have worked in harmonious order to provide me with this gift of life.

By this, I don’t just mean things like my mother, my father, my grandparents, great grandparents and the set of circumstances that brought them together. Instead, I’m talking about the infinite things that have transpired over the course of eternity.

*Life and *Energy which have aligned in various ways, producing countless elements, all of which express the same essence of Life which has empowered me to awake and be.

All of this has provided you with the opportunity to awake and be.

I’m not the only one who has experienced such a rich and abundant life resulting from countless occurrences over the eons of history. We’re all products of the One Life. All illuminations of the same Light. All filled with elements, minerals, atoms, energy and Life.

Let us draw closer to that space of gratefulness that can be found within ourselves, and appreciate all that has gone into allowing us to live, be and experience.

This gift of life is incredible. It contains all we could ever ask for.

The Invisible Connections

Most of us, including myself from time to time, go throughout the day only observing the outer reality. By this I mean, we spend more time focussing on the outer world in which we live than we do on the infinite world contained within.

The more time we spend in the peace and presence of our own being, the more we’re able to recognize the innumerable connections that intertwine all things; both within and without.

Recognizing the countless connections that have helped to allow our life to blossom into existence.

If we quiet ourselves, step away from our pre-conceived notions of how things work, and unite fully with the Life within, we can see that all things are connected.

Not only are all things connected, but there’s an underlying *Essence filling all things. An Essence that is ever-present, the order amongst the chaos, the light in the dark, the spark of Life within the soul.

We are a piece of it all. Look deep enough and you will see yourself reflecting back at you through all things.

Find gratitude.

Aligning in a Divine Order

As we open our consciousness to this observation, I believe we can start to stand upon a foundation of truth.

A foundation of truth that reminds us we’ve been given all we could ever ask for.

A conscious understanding that through this gift of life we’ve been blessed with, we can intentionally and deliberately use our energy and Essence to assist in the co-creation of our experience.

The realization that it’s our thoughts, choices, actions and the way we spend our time that assembles our reality.

Spiritually embracing our connection with all, the planet, the stars, family, friends, time, energy, and Life Itself.

Divine order is happening now.

3 Keys of Gratitude That Fill Our Lives

#1 – Connection – We are not only connected with Life, we’re filled with It. You’re body consists of elements found in the heavens and minerals found beneath our planet. Your atoms spin, filled with an invisible Essence that seems to fill all things. You breathe oxygen, eat food grown from the Earth and awakened by the sun. You drink water composed of hydrogen and oxygen. You speak words and it enters the minds of people listening. There is one universal connection. Let this understanding provide gratitude for life.

#2 – People – How many people had to exist to create the you that you are today? For myself, I think about my unique background. My mother was adopted from Scotland. I still don’t know my biological grandparents. My grandparents on my father’s side are the descendants of slaves brought to America from Africa. Their unique history fuels my drive for peace and equality. Opening my mind to my ancestors reminds me of the countless connections we have to people throughout all of history. Be grateful for your gift of life this day. Regardless of the acts, crimes or atrocities committed by our ancestors, we can use our lives of today for peace, respect, compassion and equality for all.

#3 – Environment – Find gratitude in all the environments you enter. You may not know it yet, but each environment you enter is essential for your growth. Think about the past. Each environment, whether good or bad, was necessary for the development of the person you are today. From youth to adolescence and on into adulthood, be grateful for the environments that assist you in your development.


What a great life.

What a great experience we have to be able to think thoughts, choose choices, and commit to actions.

What a great opportunity it is to be able to meet new people, enter new environments and reconnect with ourselves in ways that empower, inspire and uplift our being as we continue our journey of life.

Thank you for sharing a moment of your day here at TKL.

Oh yeah….*Please feel free to replace, *Life, *Energy, and *Essence with God, Allah, Jah, Light, Love, Universe, Divine Presence, or Universe. I’ve yet to find a word that can encompass the all encompassing.







Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life


The Gift of Life Photo Credit: Anne J.ღ Thank u dear friends, so much !!!!!!!! via photopin cc
Gratitude Post 10: The Gift of Life
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