Thankfully Giving: Rooted In Gratitude

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Thankfully Giving: Rooted In Gratitude

The day this post goes live, November 25th, I’m celebrating another year on this planet, or as others call it, my birthday.

It’s incredible to think about the innumerable connections that have taken place throughout my 30 year span upon this abundant planet.

This is a great time of year for me to do some reflecting. I think back to the days of my youth, running up and down 2400 East in Salt Lake City, Utah.

I think about my amazing mom, who taught me the importance of growing into a compassionate individual who appreciates all walks of life. I think about my grandparents, who were an instrumental part in my development. Not to mention my sisters, my dad, my cousins, my aunts and uncles, countless friends and unique environments.

Reflecting back through my life, I humbly and gratefully say, I am thankful.

I don’t want to get too sentimental here. Instead, I want to use this day of celebration (my birthday), to invite you to focus on all the things you have to be grateful for in your life. And not just during the holiday months, but to invite you to embrace the power of gratitude each and every day of your life.

It’s in our power to color our worlds with thanksgiving, honoring and appreciating the countless things which enable us to awake and be.

But just because we have the power to embrace gratitude, doesn’t mean we’ll do it.

Opening Our Consciousness To Thanksgiving

Our attitudes and outlooks influence our lives more than most of us can imagine. Some people use their attitudes and outlooks to create a hopeful future, recognizing the opportunities that await them, while others may only see hopelessness.

As we continue to recognize our ability to positively direct our attitudes, opening our minds to more gratefulness and thanksgiving, we begin to see that we can create a beacon of peace and abundance in a world of poverty and despair.

We understand this by realizing that it is us, you and I, who are participating in life. This may sound simple or even basic.

It seems however, few know they’re coloring their realities. Even fewer consciously paint their world with gratitude and appreciation.

Those who do recognize this universal truth embrace the understanding that all the beauty, gratitude, abundance and peace we wish to see in our world must first blossom from within ourselves.

Actions Rooted In Gratitude

As we continue to realize our ability to create an attitude of gratitude and a peaceful outlook, we can use that gratitude and peace uncovered within ourselves and share it with the world.

Rooting our actions in a state of gratitude and peace.

You see, our actions are always rooted in something. The more that we cultivate an awareness of the innumerable things we have to be thankful for, the more our actions will be rooted in thanksgiving.

If we are unconscious to the root causes of our actions, we quickly forget that it is you and I who are choosing the foundations upon which we base our thoughts.

Let your actions be rooted in gratitude.

Those who move upon a foundation of gratitude and a heart filled with peace use their time and energy to empower, inspire and uplift life as a whole. Many participate in causes that heal the sick, feed the hungry, provide shelter for the shelterless and food for the soul.

Though we are all products of the One Life, we shine in our own unique ways.

Find what brings you to life and move upon stepping stones of gratefulness.

The Key of Gratitude

I’d like to share with you the one Key I’ve uncovered during my short, but seemingly long journey upon this planet.

This is the key to unlocking endless gratitude, unlocking fields of light in a sea of darkness.

The Key of Gratitude is:


You read right, Life. We should have a thankful mind, a grateful heart and a peaceful spirit realizing that we are Life. Composed of countless elements from the heavens above and planet beneath us.

Recognizing that each moment of each day is a divine dance, which stretches throughout the infinite.

Remind yourself of this often. When your mind starts to wander or resort back to toxic thoughts and destructive choices, center your mind upon the fact that you are filled with Life.

Let this conscious realization fill you each minute of each hour through each day as the weeks pass, becoming months, years and decades. Remind those who are in unfortunate situations that you can see the light, the Life shining within them.

Share your Life with others and be grateful knowing you can use your energy in a way that helps our world to shine a little brighter.


In conclusion, on this day of celebration, I would like to thank you. Thank you for helping in the development of the being which I am.

I hope that I too, am assisting you in blossoming into the person you are here to be.

Thank you earth. Thank you mom. Thank you friends. Thank you Life.







Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life


Thankfully Giving: Rooted In Gratitude Photo Credit: nubobo via photopin cc
Thankfully Giving: Rooted In Gratitude
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