Tragedy Can Help Us Uncover A Better Way of Living

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Tragedy Can Help Us Uncover More of Ourselves

Looking out across our globe these past few weeks, this small planet of ours has been going through a lot.

From bombs being dropped in the Gaza Strip. The ongoing war taking place throughout Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and the Ukraine. Ebola outbreaks in Africa and the death of a young man named Michael Brown just outside of St. Louis, Missouri a few weeks back.

In addition to the human conflicts we’ve also experienced earthquakes shake the ground from California to China. Forest fires sweeping through mountainsides and other natural disasters dissemble communities in the remotest parts of our world.

With all these events taking place, regardless of the position or side you take regarding a specific conflict, times of tragedy can help us observe the common themes uniting us as humans, (as life) together.

Tragedy happens. Our reaction and conscious actions following a tragedy is our opportunity to go deeper, to live fuller, to strengthen these common ties of humanhood.

Wisdom Through Tragedy

Looking at the human conflicts taking place in the different parts of our world, as heinous as some of the acts may be, it’s a call to you and I.

Whether we are talking about the wars taking place in the Middle East, religious tensions in Israel, outbreaks of diseases in the Motherland of Africa or the unjust killing of a young African American teenager, each of these events is a deeper calling reaching out to us all.

That call is One of Peace. One of Compassion. One of Respect. One of Happiness.

It is my humblest opinion that we are never given anything more difficult than we can handle. It is also my opinion that these “tragedies and evils” taking place around our world are a creation from us, human beings.

In the same way we created these horrific events, we can use our same mind, our same body, our same heart and energy to create a world of peace, inclusion and respect for all.

Far fetched?

Many will say yes. But looking at it from an individual level, we can all find wisdom in some of the most tragic events. We can use that wisdom to uncover more peace and strengthen the connection that binds us all together.

Eyes Behind The Eyes

While I know there’s a lot of people who would challenge my point of view, I don’t think there is a single person who could deny the fact that together we can make a difference.

If we take the stance of observing with our inner eyes, we can see that when another suffers, we too suffer.

Seeing with our inner eyes, we can see that even the smallest things we do in our lives affect more people than we could imagine.

Each dollar we spend supports something. Each channel you watch on t.v., the directors will create more of the same. Each morsel of food you eat, food producers will make more of the same.

Seeing with the eyes behind the eye we can recognize that we are the ones we’ve been waiting for to create change.

One by One.

3 Keys Tragedies Can Teach Us

#1 – An Opportunity to Live Bigger – When tragedy strikes our lives or our planet it can point the way for each of us individually to begin to live bigger. By bigger I mean embracing the things that intertwine us with one another . Things like peace, compassion, respect and individually doing our part in the grand scheme of things. If we all lived from the highest state of our being, would such human conflicts still exist? Just imagine if we saw our enemies as our equal.

Today do your part.

#2 – Breakdown Our Walls – When tragedies such as the killing of the young Michael Brown takes place, regardless of who’s side one may be on, it is a great chance for us to examine our own prejudices, stereotypes and beliefs that separate us from our fellow man and woman. This is especially important regarding killing in the name of religion. We must learn to see that One Life runs through us all. One Planet is beneath us. Together we are Life

We are all equal.

#3 – Consciously Create the Future – By approaching even the most heinous tragedy with a compassionate mind, breaking down our preconceived beliefs we can then intentionally and consciously take part in being the change. This is done by joining together with our human family across the globe and putting our hearts and minds together for acts of peace, compassion, preservation of the life, and love towards one another and the planet we’re upon.

Together we have created this world, together we can transform it.


Be grateful for the awareness that Life never gives us a challenge we can’t handle.

Be grateful that the Life within us is greater than any problem we may experience.

Be grateful for the ability to ask deeper questions.

Embrace the Oneness that ties us all together.


“If you could do one thing today to help the future generations of tomorrow, what would you do?”







Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life



Tragedy Can Help Us Photo Credit:
Tragedy Can Help Us Uncover A Better Way of Living
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