Inner Flame: How To Create Your Own Sunshine in Life

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Creating Your Own Sunshine

The other day I was spending some time with my little niece and nephew, watching them explore, use their imaginations and run around with a constant smile on their face. It reminded me of a story.

I once heard about a young boy who’s sunshine couldn’t be taken from him. He carried this sunshine with him everywhere he went since his first day on this planet.

As he grew and developed the young boy saw many things that went on around him. Family problems, drug addictions, a missing father, lack of clothes and sometimes went to bed a little hungry, but he never let that spark of sunshine slip out from within himself.

In the midst of all these ups and downs of life, the young boy noticed how few carried this same sunshine with them throughout their days.

Though people, situations, thoughts, and events from time to time tried to steal the young boy’s light out from within, the young boy continued to shine even brighter and smiled even bigger.

Bringing happiness, peace, compassion and respect with him everywhere he went.

He soon learned that the more sunshine he carried with him, the more light he had to share with others.

When I asked the young boy, how he had so much light?

He told me he realized his inner sunshine is like a flame that forever burns, similar to an endless candle.

He told me that his inner flame never dimmed, instead it was his responsibility to shine his light so bright that it illuminated the lives of others.

The final thing he told me was that thousands of candles could be lit from a single flame, and the life of the flame will not be shortened. Therefore he knew that his light could never decrease by being shared.

Inner Flame

As I’ve grown up, embarking on my individual journey, I’ve noticed that light flickering from time to time. But that flickering light has never completely went out.

What I now know is that we all have an inner flame within us. That spark of light, that illumination of sunshine.

That inner flame is our source of Life. It is the source of happiness, the source of truth and the source of our abundance.

This inner flame is the source which can bring both happiness and sadness, laughter and anger, peace or frustration.

This inner flame, this spark of sunshine, is you.

For those of us hoping to uncover more light, more happiness, more peace and more illumination in our individual lives, here are a few things we can begin to do today.

3 Key Ways to Shine Brighter in All Areas of Life

#1 – Strengthen Your Spirit – Today, I invite you to spend your time doing those things which reaffirm the Life that dwells within.

Spend time strengthening your spirit through meditation, stillness, and inner reflection. The more time we spend strengthening our spirit, the more we will be able to recognize we are the key to our lives.

Begin by spending 5 minutes each day in quietness and stillness.

#2 – Increase Your Illumination – Today consciously spend your time doing those things which bring life and light to you and out from within you.

The best way to start doing this is to know the things that are draining the Life out from within, then intentionally replacing those things with activities and thoughts that bring greater life to you and through you.

Make a list of the top 3 things draining the most life, energy and time from within you. Then ask yourself, what can I replace these things with?

#3 – Enlightenment – As you continue to do the things which bring you to life, as well as strengthening your inner flame, your inner light, you’ll see that the source of your enlightenment is closer than your heart and nearer than your breath.

As time continues we are able to see that as we step into our enlightenment we effortlessly help others see the light within themselves.

From Darkness to Sunshine

When your mind or spirit seeks to remind you how difficult life is, here are a few Empowered Thoughts to clear the confusion and align with your greatest self:

  • Life is tough – Remember, you are tougher than all the situations that happen to you. You are Life, empowered fully by the Source*.
  • I can never be happy – Remember, you are the source of your happiness. If you’re not happy then you may need to adjust or realign the things, priorities and beliefs about your life and yourself.
  • I can’t change my mental state – Remember, the same energy you use to create hardships and negative outlooks can be used to empower and inspire yourself today, helping you discover new opportunities.
  • We were born weak and in sin – Remember you can believe this just as easily as you can say or believe that we are born empowered and fully capable of doing any and all things through the Life which enables us.
  • I don’t have Light in my life – Remember, each day you rise you are filled with the beauty of Life, filled with “sunshine.” But you too can be the creator of the dark clouds that drown out the light. The choice is yours?
*Feel free to replace with God, Allah, Jah, Spirit, Universe, Energy, Love, Life or whatever word you choose to describe that which encompasses all.


Be Light. Be Grateful.






Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life

Inner Flame Photo Credit: paul+photos=moody via photopin cc
Inner Flame: How To Create Your Own Sunshine in Life
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