The Solution: The Power of Love

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This one little post has a lofty goal. It spoke to me this weekend and told me to tell you it hopes that by reading this you’ll become the change the world is looking for. It hopes to remind you that you can be the light in the darkness by realizing and embracing your ability to be the force of good in an army of fear.

These ideas first surfaced many months ago, but these past few weeks it’s been asking to be shared. This is probably due to the recent events we’ve seen shaking our world.

From the killings of unarmed men, to the seemingly obvious holes filling judicial systems that govern nations, to violent religious tensions as well as an ongoing debate about race, equality and justice.

As these events sweep the news waves and and make their way into people’s minds, various perspectives, opinions and finger pointing begins to sprout.

I’ve spent some time digesting these heart-shaking events the past few days. Digesting them internally, seeking to connect with a deeper truth, a solution to the madness, an end to the killings and a stronger push toward equal rights and justice for all people.

In the stillness of my spirit, I again uncovered a solution that revealed its face quite some time ago (I wrote about it here).

The solution I was reminded of internally was the thing that freed me from the fierce grasp of the past. It’s the thing that has healed the wounds of the inflicted and brought peace to the oppressed. It is the force which can heal the most heinous of situations.

What I remembered was the Power of Love.

Love, unity, compassion, collaboration and cooperation are always within our reach.

Healing Power of Love

I was speaking to my niece last week while I was taking her to school and we were talking about the history of the states.

I briefly filled her in with the things happening around the nation. She responded with a single answer that if we as adults could embrace, could heal the world of all its ills.

The wisdom of my 9 year old niece was this,

“Why can’t people love each other and be kind to one another?”

I didn’t have an answer. Sure I could have said, we’ll because this nation was built upon slavery, or this land was taken from the natives, or the history books paint one side as good and the other as the bad.

Instead, I let her thoughts marinate in my mind and I realized, we fail to love one another or be kind to each other because we don’t even try.

Ask yourself: 

  • How many people have I intentionally been kind to today?
  • How many people did I show genuine love to?
  • Why didn’t I show this Love to everyone?

The one thing capable of reversing these soul-shaking events that are happening upon our planet is to consciously, intentionally, and individually become love and kindness. Choosing to live for something greater than ourselves, honoring the invisible Essence within all.

The Light in the Dark

Some may be thinking, “Jeffon, good luck with all that but you know that’s never going to happen. After all, I am only one person in a sea of corruption, violence and injustice.”

I know the feeling. It can be overwhelming to look out at our world and not see a solution to the ills that so many face each day.

But this is where I’d like to challenge you, not to grab the superhero cape and try to save the world but instead, to look deep within yourself and transform the way you show up in your world.

By this I mean consciously choosing to arise each morning from an empowered standpoint and move throughout your day from an enlightened, awakened and loving spirit.

If you don’t know how to do this, begin by being an example of love everywhere you go. Fill your thoughts with reflections of peace, your heart with insights of compassion and your consciousness with equal rights and justice for all.

As we do this we see that we, individually, can shine our light everywhere we go. We have the ability to consciously, intentionally and deliberately show up in our day to day lives, injecting compassion and love everywhere we go. Even in a sea of hate, fear, anger and tension.

3 Keys to Becoming Love in the Face of Hate

#1 – Inner Reflection – See, know and believe that you can positively influence and empower your individual life. Take time to strengthen the love you have for yourself. Pause often and reflect upon all the love that has assisted in the creation of your life. Strengthen your inner light of love within and allow that to reflect out into the world. We can only share what we first discover within ourselves. Make sure you love you.

#2 – Fuel the Fire – When negative situations arise or major injustices surface, which they often do, fuel the fire of love, not the fire of hate within your own consciousness. That which we focus upon magnifies and expands. Realizing this, we can see that we can act from a conscious and empowered state at all times, even during times of extreme darkness. Don’t turn a blind eye to the problems, instead show up with a spirit of love.

#3 – Live a Life of Love – We have the opportunity to leave each environment in a better condition than when we entered it. You and I have the opportunity to influence and inspire all the people we come across, injecting love and peace everywhere we go. Realize that the way we show up in our individual lives, not only impacts our experience but sends ripples out into the lives of others. Draw closer to love.


Let us be grateful knowing that we are not at the mercy of outside events, instead we are empowered by Source Itself.

Let us find gratitude knowing that we are able to co-create our lives each day through our thoughts, choices and actions. Let us rejoice in the realization that we can inject these basic building blocks of life with peace, love, respect and compassion for all.

I hope this little post can create the transformation within you. However, I understand that the only person I can control or direct is myself.







Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life

Power of Love Photo Credit: jessleecuizon via photopin cc
The Solution: The Power of Love
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