How To Forgive Why does it seem that so much of our pain, anger, resentment, and frustration stems from things that happened in the past? It could have been something someone did, something we did to ourselves, or a dark and difficult experience we walked through. What would happen if you were able to find […]
Minute of Mindfulness: Don’t Compare Yourself To Others
Don’t Compare Yourself To Others One of the most powerful truths to remember is that THERE WILL NEVER BE ANOTHER YOU. For those who are willing to move with this understanding, they realize they are neither inferior nor superior to no anyone. Instead, they have their own unique abilities and gifts to bring out into the […]
3 Keys To Rid The Mind of Toxic Thoughts & Transform Them Towards the Highest and Best
Rid The Mind of Toxic Thoughts If someone was able to walk with you through your mind, what would they see? Would it be an inner landscape filled with thoughts of peace, kindness, optimism, positivity, and compassion for yourself and others? Or would it be a dark world where anger, fear, stress, frustration, toxicity, and […]
Minute of Mindfulness: How To Overcome Self-Doubt
How To Overcome Self-Doubt Why would we ever doubt ourselves? Think about it….. Why would someone focus on all the ills, burdens and difficulties in their lives without recognizing the potential, uniqueness, and power that greets them each day they wake up? As I reflect on these questions, it makes me think about my upbringing. […]
A Minute of Mindfulness: Honoring the Uniqueness of You
A Minute of Mindfulness There are 1440 minutes in a day. That is 1440 minutes to focus on the things that bring you joy, peace, happiness and cultivate deeper relationships with others and with yourself. Let me rephrase that… It’s obvious that we aren’t awake all 1440 minutes so we’ll take 8 hours (480 minutes) […]
Where Does Peace Begin?
Where Does Peace Begin? What prevents you from experiencing peace each day? When you look back at the last few weeks, what are the things that pulled your peace out from within you? Was it a person, a place, a situation, a thought or simply life? If you are able to connect to that place […]
The Key To Strengthen Your Relationships
Strengthen Your Relationships Appreciate everyone. That’s it. You could stop here and not read anything else in this post. If you’d like to read a little more let’s unpack what appreciation means. Appreciation If you appreciate the people you are around each day, not making assumptions, not taking things too personal and being willing to […]
3 Ways A Positive Mind Can Transform Your Life For The Better
Transform Your Life One of the greatest gifts we have in this journey of life is the ability to direct and control our thoughts. It is tragic how many people never fully claim this gift. Instead, their minds are so heavily influenced by the external world they soon forget about their ability to empower their […]
What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do
What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do It happened again. That feeling I’m sure everyone has experienced at least once. It’s as if you’re stuck, you don’t know what to do to push your dreams forward. You want to do something but it is easier to browse social media, watch another Youtube […]
Values, Spirituality, and the State of the World
Values… I always enjoy spending time writing or browsing in local libraries. Just the other day, I went to a new library and recognized a pattern that happens in each library I go to. Mysteriously, I end up migrating to the spiritual/religious section of the building. Sure, I enjoy reading about business, self-help, and history […]