Feed the Soul
What have you been feeding your soul with?
Have you been embracing thoughts, feelings, and emotions necessary to help you rise to a higher and better you?
It is more than obvious as we begin to be the best we can be, we effortlessly assist in making the world a better place.
This becomes a small ripple that can transform into immutable good.
We can all do our part.
It starts with a minute.
Minute of Mindfulness
Daily Dose of Mindfulness
Find peace rooted at the center of your being.
Release what no longer serves you while embracing the qualities that make you even greater.
Never discount the power of a simple interaction with another person, a compliment, a smile or just acknowledging someone can change the course of their day.
Most importantly, love yourself.
The Power of a Minute
One minute can heal.
One minute can reconnect us with our peace.
One minute is all we need to remember the power our lives have each day.
Embrace at least one Minute of Mindfulness each day.
Peace. Happiness. Compassion. Respect.
Jeffon Seely