Importance of Breath

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Importance of Breath

When was the last time that you went out into nature and overlooked the ocean, a lake or a river?

When was the last time you walked through the forest or stood atop a sandstone mountain in the desert, breathing deeply, filling your lungs with the Life and oxygen of the universe?

There are few things that offer greater satisfaction than a full crisp breath of clean fresh air.

If you haven’t experienced this lately I invite you to do so.

I was recently walking on a nature path here in Atlanta that follows the Chattahoochee river. As I was walking, noticing the trees that were blossoming back to life, I took one of those full deep breaths.

I eventually stopped and sat on top of a rock that overlooked the wide murky river. I looked out across the vast landscape and breathed.

Breath of the Universe

Sitting on that rock, breathing the spring air, listening to the birds chirp above me and river flow beneath me, I felt connected.

As I began to focus on my breath, feeling my lungs expand and deflate, smelling the fresh air around me and recognizing the beating of my heart, I realized that each breath I took was an experience of life.

I felt my mind shift as I began to see that each breath entering my body was a gift from the universe.

Participating in the cosmic dance, each breath I exhaled was my gift back.

Harmony seemed to effortlessly flow through my body with each conscious breath I took.

Breathing Deep

Take a moment right now and think about your breathing in this moment.

Are you breathing shallow or are you breathing deep?

Are you fully exhaling the old stagnant air before filling your lungs with new clean air?

As you begin to take deeper breaths, how does your body feel? What smells begin to reach your awareness as you start to consciously breathe deeper?

These are questions that I recently began asking myself.

These questions have helped me become more connected with each breath that enters my body; further understanding that each breath I take brings a small piece of the universe into my being and empowers each cell.

Focus On Breath

I understand that not all of us live near a large nature reserve or have clean fresh air to breathe. Not all of us focus on our breathing and there are probably just a few of us that have consciously recognized the importance of each breath we’ve ever taken.

That’s why I’ve detailed 3 Key things that you can begin doing today to empower your body through conscious breathing.

3 Keys to Breathe More Consciously

#1 – Honoring Each Breath – Think about how many breaths you’ve taken today? How many of those breaths were you aware of? By recognizing that you are breathing, you honor the Life within the breath that flows into your body and empowers each cell and molecule. Your breath provides your life.

#2 – Consciously Choose Your Breaths – Breathe deep. Fill your lungs with deep cleansing breaths and release all the stagnate air each exhalation. Conscious breathing gives you the opportunity to bless each breath that enters your body.

#3 – Venture Into Nature Often – You can find the cleanest air in the open spaces of nature.  Venture outdoors and connect with a forest, desert, ocean, or lake, breathe deep. If you don’t have any nature around you, at least get outside.

Focus on your breathing today.

Fresh Air

Where are some places you’ve been that you were able to breathe deep and feel most at peace?

Leave your comments below.


I hope this post has helped you embrace the importance of each breath.

I am thankful for you visiting Three Key Life. Thank you for being apart of this community.

Give thanks for each breath you are able to take today, within it lies all of Life.

Make the day great by breathing in peace and exhaling compassion.

(Three Key Tweet)






Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life




photo credit: – shawnzrossi – – – Importance of breath




Importance of Breath
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