Stepping Stone: My First Book Sale

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Big Dreams

A few months before graduating college I decided that I didn’t want to pursue the field of accounting, instead I wanted to pursue the things that brought me to life.

After studying I would spend time writing and putting my ideas into a simple format to begin reproducing the poetry I was expressing. This continued for months.

Within a few weeks of graduating with my Bachelors in Accounting and with some help from a few friends I had the opportunity to print my first few books of poetry from a local printing press.

My goal was to hit the downtown streets of Seattle each day and I was sure success would follow. I envisioned being financially free within the first year, being featured on Oprah and speaking across the nation.

Reality quickly set in when I went downtown with a backpack full of books and tried to make my first sale.

Imagine a 24-year-old who looked about 16, in overly baggy clothes approaching you with a shaky voice, asking you to buy a book of poetry.

Long story short, I didn’t end up making one sale that first day, come to think about it, I only spoke with 3 or 4 people. It was then that I realized, “hitting it big” wasn’t going to be the easiest process.

Running Towards the Roar

Despite confidence issues, appearance issues, and insecurity, I pushed forward. The next day I went to my college campus with the same backpack filled with books and found a few of my classmates who were finishing up some things after graduation.

I approached them confidently and showed them my book and before you knew it I made my first sale.

*When beginning to recognize your gifts, surround yourself with people who support and believe in you. This can provide the fuel needed to reach higher levels of life.

That small boost of confidence sent a new-found energy through my body. Over the next couple days I convinced a few of my friends to hit the streets of Seattle with me to help spread the message.

That resulted in 2,500 book sales in the first year.

The things that I fear are usually the things that open the greatest doors of opportunity.

However, even with the success of selling books I was barely getting by. I was barely able to support myself and I definitely wasn’t ready for the doors that were beginning to open.

I had big visions and goals but no plan.

I thought by simply walking the streets everyday and selling books I would effortlessly obtain my visions and financial goals.

What I realized was aside from a great message in my poetry, everything else was missing.

Things like building a community, truly engaging people, ensuring I was able to live and pay bills, remaining balanced in my day-to-day life, and continuing to create great poems.

I didn’t do any of these things. After a book was sold I usually never saw the person again, which meant I couldn’t stay engaged. Lack of sales knowledge left me struggling each month to afford my bills and this stress constricted my creative process.

But still there were gems hidden along this mysterious corridor that I travelled.

Each Stepping Stone is Essential

When I finally admitted to myself that I wasn’t going to hit my goals I was upset and felt like my efforts were worthless.

But the more I reflected upon the message I was spreading and the people I was able to meet, the more I understood that I only failed as much as I believed I did.

Sure I didn’t hit my financial goals, my bills weren’t always paid, and life was stressful to say the least, but in the process of selling my books I spoke with many unique people and learned more about who I truly am.

Sharing my poetry also helped to establish great connections and helped me recognize the things I was capable of doing.

Things like:

Speaking, writing, inspiring, and connecting.

What I understood was that each step of my journey was plated with gems and precious stones (opportunities, realizing my gifts and my strength) but all I was focusing on was the dirt, mud, and grime (stress, struggle, failure).

Honoring This Step Today

Think about the stepping stone that you stand upon today.

Our entire lives rest upon this step which we now stand, until we leap to the next and then the next.

Honor your steps, recognize the gems that line the stone upon which you currently stand, wipe away the grime and fully embrace this step in your journey by understanding that within it lies your greatest potential.

Leap from this stepping stone and watch as the new doors of opportunity open where there would have otherwise been walls.

Here are 3 Key Ways to honor each step you take towards living your highest potential and honoring your greatest gifts.

#1 – Know the direction you want your life to go – You discover this by spending time within yourself and identifying those specific things that bring you to life. When you know the direction you want to go you begin to see each step as an essential piece of your journey.

#2 – Identify the various ways you could begin to bring your gifts into our world – Grab a piece of paper or pull up a word document and write all of your gifts and talents down. In doing this you’ll see that this stepping stone upon which you currently stand can be the stone which can set your life in a new direction. This can be the stepping stone in which you recognize your infinite potential and fully honor the Life within, moving in the direction of your dreams.

#3 – Respect and treat each step in the past and each step in the future as a blessing – Know that each step was necessary to create the person you are today. No step is better or worse than another, they are all essential. Knowing this you will not be attached to any one step, instead you will be free to leap from new stone to new stone.

Your journey is one of beauty, your steps lined with abundance and your potential infinite.

(Three Key Tweet)


“If you were able to live a life fully honoring your gifts and dreams, what would you be doing each day?”

Leave your comments below.


I hope that this process of how I earned my first $1 by following my passions has opened up your mind.

I encourage you to begin taking those necessary steps towards fully recognizing and honoring your gifts because they matter.

Thank you for taking a moment out of your day to visit Three Key Life.

Your time and energy are greatly appreciated.

If I can help you in any way, please let me know.







Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life



photo credit: – rachel_titiriga – –
Stepping Stone: My First Book Sale
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