Poetic Expression: 3 Keys To Embracing Life’s Journey

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Eternal Journey

Along with this life contains this light,

a power so strong it illuminates the night,

continues to spread its message, forever it lasts,

clues and guidance collected along our path.

A journey unknown except within the soul,

For eternity communicates through different vessels where the light flows,

an Energy unexplained, as big as a planet but as small as a cell,

continues in perfect harmony, gloriously prevails,

It is love, the source, the answer to the equation,

the struggles, the killing, the hatred we face in this nation,

the tears, the wounds, the scars, the hurt,

Love is beneath all negative upon this Earth.

Contained by all but unknown by many,

to spread this word is the direction this Energy propelled me.


The intention of this poetic expression is to remind each of us that life is an incredible journey and we all have a great Light within.

Too often we lean towards struggle, worry, tears, and the wounds of the past but today we have a chance to recognize the Love and Life that is within each of us.

Embrace Your Journey

Fully embrace your journey of Life today with these 3 Keys:

#1 – Love yourself – The thoughts you think about yourself matter.

#2 – Do good deeds for others – Your actions can bring happiness or bring pain. Your actions matter.

#3 – Speak words of compassion, love, and peace – Your words can uplift or cut down. Your words matter.

 Try these 3 Key’s today, then tomorrow, then the day following and so on.

In doing this you’ll see that you are helping to shape the journey of life that you are upon.


Thank you for taking time out of your day to visit Three Key Life.

You are greatly appreciated. I wish you an amazing day.







Jeffon Seely



Photo Credit: Ari Safari
Poetic Expression: 3 Keys To Embracing Life’s Journey
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