5 Ways To Bring More Compassion Into Your Life

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Compassion Flows From Within

In my personal experience of life I’ve found it difficult to move with compassion and peace if I can’t find any within myself.

I’ve also experienced extended periods of time where I sent compassion, support and love toward others, but didn’t send any toward myself.

Overtime, the stream of compassion, support and love that I was sending to others dried up because I wasn’t creating any of that within, leaving me with a feeling of emptiness.

This quote sums it up:

“If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete.” ~Jack Kornfield

(Three Key Tweet)

The Balance

Here at the Three Key Life I have discussed the importance of centering yourself and creating a foundation of unshakeable peace, but today I would like to remind you of 5 key things that you can do today to create more compassion for yourself.

Love Thyself

5 Key Ways to have more compassion for yourself:

#1 – Show Yourself Gratitude and Thanksgiving – Take a moment to pause and say thank you. Look back throughout your journey of life, all that you’ve been through, the highs and lows, all that you’ve accomplished, and the fact that you are here, breathing, living. Regardless of where you may be, be grateful. Showing yourself gratitude and thanksgiving each day will continuously fill the well of peace and compassion within yourself.

#2 – Embrace the Beauty of Thoughts – Empower your mind with thoughts of beauty, compassion, peace, and inspiration. This is done by spending more time in the quietness and stillness of your being (even if it’s not completely quiet within yourself right now). By spending time in the abundant field of thought, you can begin seeing the beautiful thoughts that blossom into compassion and peace as well as the negative thoughts that sprout like weeds and thorns consuming compassion, peace and happiness. Our thoughts are incredible.

#3 – See with Inspired Eyes – Inspire your environment by observing the underlying Essence of Life that fills all things. Spend time focusing on the peace, the abundance and the harmony that fills the entire universe. As our outlook becomes one of inspiration, we not only see the beauty that fills the world around us, but we recognize the beauty that fills us each day we awake. Here are 10 Inspired Outlooks for you to start with.

#4 – Speak Words of Peace – Our words act as seeds that spread to the minds of others. Some of these words, whether hateful or loving, stick to the inner consciousness of people and sprout according to the intent with which you sent them. If you speak words of negativity, anger, jealousy and stress, you are sending those seeds out into the world to blossom accordingly with the same experience you hold so near and dear. If you replace words of negativity with ones of peace and compassion, you are literally speaking life into the lives of others and sharing that Life within yourself. Speak peacefully and compassionately to others, and most importantly, to yourself.

Like my Grandma told me, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say nothing at all.”

#5 – Move with Love – Move throughout your day with a smile of love. Assist others with helping hands of love. Think of others with a loving consciousness. Work with love. Cook with love. Eat with love and let everyone who you appreciate know that you love and care for them. You see, if we begin to move with love then we become love, and in becoming love we realize that which we have always been, Life.

Spend some time this week focusing on these 5 Key Ways to bring more compassion to yourself. It is only you who can fill your inner well up with peace and compassion.

And remember, the more peace and compassion you cultivate within yourself, both spiritually and mentally, the more compassion and peace you have to share with others.

You can only give that which you have within.

In what areas of your life could you add more compassion?


I am grateful for this experience of life which brings us all together. Here we are, walking on this abundant planet, resting in an infinite universe.

Thank you for spending a moment of your day here at Three Key Life.

Have an amazing day.






Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life


photo credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/h-k-d/2982647864/ – h.koppdelaney – http://photopin.com – http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/2.0/
5 Ways To Bring More Compassion Into Your Life
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