3 Things We Should Never Take For Granted

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3 Things We Should Never Take For Granted

I think we can all agree, there are things in life we should never take for granted. As I write this thought, I am sitting in the coffee shop looking out the window. The rain is slowly falling, knocking the auburn color leaves off the nearly bare trees.

I watch as people cross the street outside the entrance. Individuals around me type away on their computers while others read and conversate amongst each other. I can’t help but breathe deeply and cherish this moment.

This deep breathe is brought about by the realization that this moment will come this way but once.

Countless moments pass us by each day. It’s just been as of late that I’ve made an honest attempt to fully appreciate Life. It may sound a bit crazy, but think about it for yourself.

Do you fully honor the life that you live? Not only appreciating life, but embracing the countless moments that compose your day while doing your best to take nothing for granted?

Recognizing the eclectic groups of people you pass, the planet spinning beneath you and the vast amount of life that rests within you.

Oceans of inspiration, deep valleys of love and abundant rivers of peace can be found when we slow down and do our best to take nothing for granted.

We should pause often throughout our day to simply stop and be.

Opening our minds to the magic taking place right now.

Witnessing the power of this moment, the various expressions of Life and all that goes into enabling us to arise each morning.

There are some things in this life we should never take for granted.

Filling Our Minds With the Good

If we are able to intentionally fill our minds with inspiring things that support our lives while taking nothing for granted, why do so few of us do so?

I’ve noticed in my own experience that, at times, life is snapping by so quickly I simply forget to breathe deeply and observe the magic happening here and now.

In these times of forgetfulness, I’m more prone to resort back to old ways of thinking. Habitual patterns of thought that have caused me to forget the good which is ever present.

Some may have a hard time recognizing the good or argue that good is not everywhere present. For those who may say this, I’d respond, “look deeper.”

Life is reflecting back to you what you think into it.

That which we fill our minds with, both good and bad, are usually the same things that resurface and circulate in our lives.

As we realize that we have the ability to intentionally fill our minds with good ideas and thoughts, we can consciously start to replace the ideas that don’t serve our greatest good.

We can build our awareness and no longer take this gift of life for granted.

Seeing The Good in All Areas of Life

Take some time today and, from within, begin to see the good flowing in all areas of your life.

If our imagination is used as a preview of life’s coming attractions, then it doesn’t hurt to begin to envision our life working harmoniously on all cylinders.

See your business life thriving, your personal life filled with peace, your spiritual life centered in gratitude and all your relationships prospering.

Though it may not be your current reality, remind yourself that it is you who is directing the course of your life. You are doing this through your thoughts, choices and actions.

If you can see the direction you’d like to take your life, you can begin taking the necessary steps to get you there.

First, however, we must see from within the good that we’d like to experience.

If we’re moving too quickly to even smile, forgetting about the countless things working right in our lives here and now, it becomes difficult to see the wonderful possibilities for our lives.

Take time to see the good and do your best to appreciate what you have here and now.


3 Key Things We Should Never Take For Granted

#1 – People Who Care About Us – Learn to honor, appreciate and most importantly, let those you care about know how much you care for them. Use your time when in their presence to fully and truly honor their individual expressions of life. If those that you care about are no longer here with us, bring them up in your mind and you can thank them from within. Love transcends the unfathomable expanse of both space and time. Understanding this, your entire experience can be filled compassion. Appreciate those who love you and care for you. We are not here forever.

#2 – The Planet – We are standing upon our mother, that which has helped to bring us into this experience of Life. This planet is our lifeline, the trees our brothers, flowers and animals our sisters. Each step you take upon this planet, do so with gratitude and thanksgiving. Let all your actions, choices and thoughts honor this abundant planet that we have and get to call home. Appreciate Mother Earth.

#3 – Yourself – You are the vehicle through which you experience this life. You are always with yourself. Honor not only your being, but be thankful for your accomplishments and for the way that your life has unfolded. You are a gift. Honor your Essence, recognize all the good that goes into enabling your being to exist. Don’t take your life for granted, it will come this way but once.


Find gratitude in the goodness that is taking place around us now, even if we are yet to see it.

Find gratitude for this incredible Life that flows through us, empowers us and fills all things.

Let’s do our best to take nothing for granted.







Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life

 photo credit: 「my+」 via photopin cc

3 Things We Should Never Take For Granted
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