No Permission Needed To Be Great

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No Permission Needed To Be Great

Why do so many of us wait for permission to become the person we are here to be?

Why do the vast majority of us wait for others to approve of our business or life endeavors before we branch out into our passions and inherent purpose?

These questions, when answered honestly reminded me that if I want my life to become even more exceptional, I have to believe in me.

To put it more simply, I don’t need other people’s permission to be the best I can be.

The time has come for us to believe in ourselves. The time has come for us to sprint toward our dreams, our passions and to spend our waking hours aligned with the things that bring us to life.

Brought to Life

If a successful business executive walked up to you and said, “I will donate a million dollars towards you and your work if you can tell me what brings you to life,” what would you tell this man or woman?

Would you be leaving that meeting with a million dollar check or reel through your mind trying to identify the things that bring joy to your life?

I’ve found it interesting how few of us spend our time on the things that brings joy to our hearts and life to our days.

Too often we are consumed with things that drain happiness from our week and sap the creativity from our years.

My question to you is this…

Are you spending your time doing the things that bring you joy and a sense of purpose or are your days filled with the same mundane work that has been the thief of your precious time in the past?

Today is the day to take a stand.

Time Allocation

Of the 14 to 18 waking hours you have to experience each day, what do you spend them doing?

Are the things you spend your finite time and precious energy on taking you towards the things that bring you to life or are they digging a deeper pit of stress, frustration and stagnation?

What would your life look like if you spent your time and energy on the things you feel you were put on this earth to do? Who would you impact? How would you feel at the end of each day?

I share these important questions with you because in the recent months I’ve had to ask myself these things.

I’ve realized that our time on earth is too short to be working at a job we despise, regardless of how much debt we have. Our energy is too abundant to trap it in a cubicle that drains the most important hours from the day, pushing our true aspirations to the side.

I encourage you to ask yourself these questions to remember you don’t need anyone’s permission to be the person you are here to be.

Permission to Change the World

You have permission to change the world, in fact there are people on this planet, in this present moment who are awaiting for you to bring your gifts, your energy and your light into their experience.

It is a disservice not only to the infinite Essence which awakens you each morning but to the planet and all of mankind if you turn your back on your passions, purpose and gifts.

If you’ve been waiting to launch into your true purpose, consider this a sign. We are living in a time where you, your gifts, your true, authentic self is needed.


3 Keys To Have Greater Belief In Your Gifts

#1 – Identify What You Believe In – We all believe in something, the problem is that the majority of us believe in something other than ourselves.

Write down 3 things you put your belief in… Please note, for the majority of us, these will be things other than our greatest gifts, talents and best self.

How can you shift that belief toward you and your gifts?

#2 – Draw A Line In The Sand – You are always standing up for and defending something, the question comes down to if you are standing up for yourself and the things that bring you to life or aren’t you?

The time has come for us to take an honest look at our lives and be 100% real about the things that our lives support, whether directly or indirectly.

A quick exercise to see how far your impact reaches is this… Look at the tags of the clothing you are wearing and identify where they were made. Take it a step further and look into the people who make the clothes you so happily wear.

Are you adding to their life or taking from them? Does this empower you or deflate you?

#3 – Admitting Responsibility – The most free and most successful are those who are willing to be 100% responsible for their quality of life.

In what areas of your life are you giving your power over to another person? Work? School? Political beliefs?

What would your life look like if you were 100% responsible for everything that takes place in your life?


Find gratitude in the gifts you possess, the power you hold and the impact your individual life has on the world you are a part of.

You have permission to be great. I can’t wait to see the way your gifts blossom out into our world.







Jeffon Seely

Three Key Life

No Permission Needed To Be Great
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