The Keys of the Peacemaker

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Invitation of Peace

I always find it interesting when some of life’s “little things” occur and take me out of my “zone.”

Petty things like losing my phone, misplacing my keys, remembering if I locked my car or not, or stressing about an event that hasn’t even happened.

Even more interesting are those negative thoughts that reappear time and time again, and when I fail to recognize them for what they are, they send my pattern of thoughts spinning in a downward spiral.

One thing that’s changed for me in the past few years, especially in the last few months, is my ability to go through these experiences that “test” my spirit, and return back to a place of peace within after I’ve “checked out” so to say.

In other words, there are times when I don’t even know I’m acting a certain way or thinking specific thoughts.

I call this “unconscious living.”

As I’ve spent more time in the stillness within and recognized the Life with-out, I’ve become more aware of when I slip from a conscious state. This awareness has helped me recognize 3 specific keys that keep me centered amidst the ups and downs of daily life.

These 3 keys are designed to assist you in finding more peace within and recognizing more of the peace that surrounds you each moment of your experience.

3 Keys of the Peacemaker

#1 – Release Old Regrets and Find Forgiveness

If you are anything like me then you’ve experienced at least one disappointment, one big failure, one person who’s disrespected you, and have done some things you are not 100% happy about. Unfortunately, if we continue to relive this memory within our being day after day, we never find a way to move past that small set back and toward a potential set-up in the future.

The Buddha once said,

“Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.” (Three Key Tweet)

The way to release anger is to find forgiveness. Forgiveness for the people who have done wrong unto you and forgiveness for yourself. Ultimately, forgiveness is finding love.

Forgiveness doesn’t mean forgetting, forgiveness means finding a way to replace that space of darkness with light, that place of pain with love.

The way I’ve found to do this is to fully and consciously recognize that today is a new day. A new day of opportunities, a new day for life, a new day to be. This day brings with it a completely new canvas of light if I but allow it to flow through me.

I’ve learned to choose the light of hope and possibility over the dark clouds of regret and un-forgivingness, it’s worth it.

#2 – Create More Time For You and Your Thoughts 

We live in an incredible time in history. We have limitless information at our fingertips, we can talk to anyone across the world with the touch of a button and have some talented minds sharing inspiring information each day.

This information overload has caused some to forget the power of the Life which flows through them. It has caused some, including myself at times, to forget the power of their thoughts that direct this experience of life.

It’s imperative for us to turn off the tv, put our phones down, close the laptop (I need to do more of this) and be in the presence of ourselves.

Take a moment to escape to nature or a quiet place and fully recognize the Life and underlying Essence of peace that lies within all.

Create more time for you to be with you.

#3 – Create a Habit of Practicing Peace (replace one destructive habit) 

In life, we have the opportunity to create any habit we would like. Creating a habit of centering ourselves each day can do more for us than we could imagine.

In the same way going to the gym every day will strengthen your physique, centering yourself amidst the Essence within will strengthen your awareness of Life and the peace that surrounds us all.

I’ve found that the more I practice finding peace within, the more peace I find around me, and the more peace that I find, the more peace I have to share with others.

One practical thing you can do today to practice finding more peace is to see everybody as equal. Release subconscious judgments and see each individual for the Essence of Life which they are.

If you want to take it a step further, then not only see all people as equal, but see all things as equal.

It is the same Essence in all, whether human, tree, bird, table, pen, or air.

The Peacemakers

These are the 3 Keys of the Peacemakers. Try one and see if you unlock more peace within your life.

We are the Peacemakers we have been waiting for. Each of us has the possibility within to lead the world in a direction of compassion and peace. The best way for us to empower our world in this direction is to find a place of peace within ourselves.


What is one way you can add more peace to both our world and your life?


May your days be filled with peace, your mind with compassion and your actions rooted in love.

Thanks for visiting Three Key Life.

Have an incredible day.







Jeffon Seely

Three Key Life



photo credit: – ginnerobot – –
The Keys of the Peacemaker
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