How To Make A Positive Change in One’s Life

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One Piece at a Time

Have you ever noticed how the biggest houses were put together one piece at a time? How the tallest mountains were composed one mineral at a time? Or how even the biggest planets or solar systems were composed one atom at a time?

As we bring our attention back to our individual selves, we can see that our bodies are made up one cell at a time. Looking even deeper, we understand those tiny individual cells are made up from the same stuff which composes the universe itself.

So what about the lives you and I live?

Assembling Our Experience

Stop for a moment right now, wherever you may be and look around you. Notice the environment you are in, notice the feelings flowing through your being right now. Bring into your mind the place of your employment and the house you currently live in.

After you’ve spend a few moments reflecting on these various things, situations and experiences that fill your present life, ask yourself this one question:

What caused me to be in this environment, to feel these feelings, work at this job and live in this place?

After you spend some time thinking upon this question, you may come up with the same answer as me, the small things.

More specifically the thoughts we think day after day, the choices those thoughts bring and the actions those choices produce.

Even the most intricate life is composed of countless small, seemingly insignificant thoughts, choices and actions.

Create A Positive Change Today

Many of us, from time to time, find ourselves trapped. Stuck in a position in life we don’t enjoy, living in a place that doesn’t support our dreams or visions, while we continue to experience feelings and emotions that sink our feet deeper in the mud of fear and doubt, eventually hardening and becoming our reality.

But I believe we’ve all witnessed first hand how a person, or people, have reversed life’s unfortunate situations and went from viewing their life as a curse to a blessing, transitioning from a consciousness of hopelessness to one filled with hope.

There is a way we can begin to set into motion a positive change in our lives.

That simple yet powerful process is a small 6 letter word called, Habits.

Even our most destructive or empowering habits have been created one thought at a time.

Being Our Best in the Small Things

Our lives are an accumulation of the little things. Changing the little things we do in life will transform our entire experience.

The 3 Keys detailed below will help you honor your own creative process, release your fears and move into greater hope and empowerment. These Keys unlock the formula which creates habits and opens the doors of opportunity.

3 Keys to Reverse Life’s Curses into Blessings

#1 – Who & What – Recognize that it is you, each moment of each day who thinks the thoughts that flow through your consciousness. Know that it is you who chooses the choices you act upon. Know that it is you who causes you to act upon certain things.

The energy behind your thoughts, choices and actions are so powerful that they’ve literally created every aspect of the life which you currently live.

#2 – The Power of Decision – Understand that the thoughts you allow to reside on the inside and the choices you decide to act upon affect not only your experience, but sets into motion a sequence of events which impacts the lives of many people.

Recognizing this, we can begin to consciously decide to live in a new, positive mental space, doing things intentionally from a positive place within; whether we are driving a car, speaking with someone new, at work, or just receiving some tragic news, we understand that it’s our own being, our own consciousness that colors the world we are in.

The Power of Decision helps us remember we have the ability to color our experience anyway we would like.

#3 – Begin Now – Right now, begin to do the small things in your life with great compassion and peace. Start with the thoughts that are within your mind. Regardless what they may be, allow positive ideas and insights to fill your mind from the depths of your spirit.

Allow those positive thoughts to inspire new choices and actions. Understand that right now, you can begin to create habits of lasting positive change that will help you live bigger, better and with more intention.

It all starts with a thought. Then a choice, followed by an action.


Be grateful for the innumerable aspects that compose the life you live today. You truly are the co-creator of this life you experience.

Honor your thoughts, respect your choices and commit to actions that are in line with your values, your potential and your vision for the future.

You create your habits, don’t allow them to create you. (Three Key Tweet)

Today and Beyond

Some of the small things we could all begin doing that will create a lasting change in our lives is the way we hear, how we see, the things we feel, and the ideas and thoughts we think.

Change these little things and everything changes.

Create habits that you’ll be proud of tomorrow.


What is the one habit that you could add to your life which would transform your life for the better?

Leave your comments below.







Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life


Positive Change Photo Credit: The Wandering Angel via photopin cc
How To Make A Positive Change in One’s Life
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