Possibilities of Today: Poetic Composition

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Possibilities of Today

 On the search for truth you will uncover the possibilities of today

equate to your beliefs,

based not on the television screen or information you read,

catch a glimpse of truth and you are finally free,

enter your natural state of harmony.

The mind declutters as the intangible floats to the surface,

dive deep within oneself

make worth out of the worthless,

live with purpose,

the Divine shines from all

in and through infinite sources.

The melodic melodies of one’s Essence ring supreme,

it is your responsibility to express when the Source plucks your strings.


The intention of this poetic composition is to remind each of us that our beliefs help to shape the life we experience.

There are those who believe in their gifts and others who don’t. There are people who believe that everything happens for a reason and some who believe that they are cursed everywhere they go.

Take a moment today and examine the beliefs that assist in creating your experience of life.

The Possibilities of Today

Unlock more possibilities with these 3 Keys:

#1 – Identifying Beliefs – Spend a few moments today and identify 3 beliefs that propel you forward into higher directions of your life. Then identify 3 limiting beliefs that cause you to doubt in yourself. Replace those limiting beliefs with ones that empower you and reinforce those beliefs that are currently propelling you into greater areas of life.

#2 –  Embracing the Intangible – It is my belief that the most powerful part of our being is that which cannot be seen. It is the Essence within each of us. Spend some time in the presence of the intangible Essence which fills all things. The more you consciously recognize this inner Essence, the more you will see that in and through it flows all; both the highs and the lows.

#3 – Live with Purpose – We will not be in this experience of life, here on this Earth forever. Recognizing this truth, I’ve found it’s important to have direction in our lives, discovering those things which inspire us to become better, to learn more and to be a beneficial presence on this planet.

Expand your beliefs, embrace the Innermost and direct your life experience with purpose.

Let these 3 Keys unlock new doors in your life.


Thank you for taking a moment to visit Three Key Life.

You are appreciated.

Never doubt in yourself or your abilities. You awoke this morning for a reason. (Three Key Tweet)

Make the most out of this day.







Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life


Possibilities of Today: Poetic Composition
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