The Wisdom of the Natives

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Native Wisdom

There has always been a piece of me that’s been fascinated by native cultures.

In the USA, I’ve always been intrigued about how the Native Americans lived and their deep wisdom.

After hearing the rich history of Polynesia and the surrounding islands, their culture has brought a new light of knowledge to my mind.

While I’ve been here in Honduras I’ve had the privilege of staying in a small village called Punta Gorda. I’ve had the opportunity to live alongside the Garifuna people and their amazing culture, witnessing the wisdom that fills the people, the sea and the hillsides.

My observations have brought with them a greater understanding of life.

Light of Understanding

Here in Honduras I’ve been noticing things such as the way they fish and the discipline they have to prepare their small canoes each morning before the sun rises. I’ve recognized the traditional mud houses that many build on the hillsides, composed of natural materials found in the jungle. I am inspired by their exceptional sailing skills, their rich history and the way they come together in times of happiness, sadness and celebration.

Being able to spend time here in a place like Punta Gorda, Roatan amongst the rich Garifuna culture has brought with it great inspiration. It has helped me to see a bigger picture of life as well as reconnecting me with the importance of embracing “Native Wisdom”  in this day and age.

Knowledge of the Natives

It is my full belief that we should take some time and learn from these powerful cultures; even if they are no longer flourishing.

I have found in my life that true wisdom, knowledge and truth, or light as I call them, are everlasting. 

(Three Key Tweet)

There are gems of knowledge which have been passed down throughout time and can still be applied to our lives today.

I would like to share some of those gems with you. These insights have helped me reconnect with the Earth, the life around me and most importantly, myself.

5 Key Insights That We Can Learn From Our Native Ancestors

#1 – When your blood returns to the sea, and your bones into the ground, maybe then you will realize the land does not belong to you – We are born into this experience of life with all we ever need, yet we are born into this world with nothing. We are connected to the sea and the land but can never own it. Let us honor the land and cherish the sea in a way that respects the Life within us all.

#2 – The Great Spirit is in each of us – “The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of people when they realize their relationship, their oneness with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize that at the center of the universe dwells the Great Spirit, and that this center is really everywhere, it is within each of us.” ~ Black Elk – Oglala Sioux

May the Life in me recognize and value the Life in you and the Life in all. For we are all apart of the same Great Spirit.

#3 – Don’t let yesterday use up too much of today – Keep yourself in the present moment. By doing the things that are necessary today, we can help to ensure a smooth day for tomorrow. However, if we let yesterday’s problems infect the fullness of today then today repeats the past.

#4 – Respect the Earth – Take only what you need, whether it is a fish, an animal, a banana, a tree, or a plant. It’s common sense that if we continue to take more than what we need, exploiting the already exploited then we’ll have nothing else to use. Take only what you need and nothing more. There are people who will be walking this Earth after we are gone and what we do helps to create the life they experience.

#5 – One rain doesn’t make a crop – Great things happen in our lives through consistent and persistent action. In the same way that plants grow day after day, so too do we grow and progress in life. Water the thoughts, choices and actions that you want to see grow.

Bonus Insight

There is one thing I cannot fail to mention about the native wisdom and the cultures highlighted above.

We cannot forget the true history of these people.

Many flourished for thousands of years only to find themselves stripped of their land, culture and lives.

One of the greatest lessons I’ve learned from the natives is the evil that fills some of the minds of men (and women).

We cannot escape the truth that the Native Americans lost all their land as the English, French and Spanish claimed it as theirs. We cannot escape the truth that foreigners landed in the Polynesian islands and Africa, enslaving people, forcing religion upon them and stripping their culture and native languages.

We cannot escape these truths, but we can learn from them.

The final insight that I’ve learned from these incredible cultures is – finding forgiveness and living my life, today, the best way possible.


What’s the greatest insight you’ve learned from Native cultures?

Leave your comments below.


Find gratitude for those people who have paved the way for our lives to be.

Find forgiveness for those who knew not what they were doing.

Be grateful for your ability to live your life in a way that benefits not only yourself today, but benefits the overall well being of mankind and the planet we are upon.

Focus on one of these insights mentioned above today and allow it to reveal more wisdom and light within yourself.

Thank you for spending a moment of your day here on Three Key Life.

You are appreciated.







Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life


photo credit: – Don McCullough – –
The Wisdom of the Natives
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