Living Regret-Free: How To Turn Regret Into Inspiration

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The Weight of Regret

You know those times we all experience?

Those times when we finish a heated-conversation with a few bitter words at the end that deflates another?

Or those times in the past when we wish we would’ve made a different decision. Now we feel like that one wrong choice has stolen months, even years of our lives.

Maybe you’re just like I was, looking back at the past and feeling weighed down with the “regrets” of yesterday, seeing no hope for a brighter today.

We’ve all experienced those awkward, life-draining feelings of regret.

But why do some people carry those heavy weights of regret with them throughout their life, while others do not?

The Two Farmers

I heard a story about two farmers whose upbringings were very similar.

When the farmers were about 30 years old they both had an opportunity to invest in separate land to begin their individual family farms.

The one drawback was that it required both farmers to relocate to the another state.

Hesitantly, they both jumped on the opportunity putting all their money towards their new farms.

They ended up purchasing two identical plots of land close to one another.

About 2 months after moving they realized the ground wasn’t able to sustain their crops as they had envisioned.

This is where the story gets interesting.

You see, one of the farmers told his family, friends and the entire town which he now lived that purchasing that piece of land was the biggest regret of his life.

It was the one thing that killed his success. The one mistake that made his life hopeless and caused him to spend all of his days on that horrible piece of land that never produced one crop.

The farmer barely got through life, working meaningless jobs, ever-regretful of that horrible decision.

The other farmer however, didn’t see his purchase as a failure or a regret. He told his family, friends and the entire town he lived that it was the best investment he’d ever made.

He never grew a single crop on that piece of land, instead he built a large garage filled with tools and welders he acquired throughout his years.

He spent his days grateful and happy that he made the decision to purchase that property. He knew that if he didn’t make that decision he would have never been able to help the people of the town and community in such a compassionate and empowering way.

One man’s regret can be another man’s blessing.

From Regret Into Inspiration

What if we we’re able to move past those limiting thoughts that prevent us from moving forward into higher areas of life?

What if we we’re able to transform thoughts of regret and missed opportunities into inspiration and empowerment for today?

Here are 3 Keys that will help you unlock the doors of empowerment, inspiration and opportunity contained in the regrets we carry with us:

#1 – Transform Regret Into Inspiration & Empowerment –Begin to see all of your regrets, regardless of how lame, little or big they may be as an inspirational source which is here to help you become better.

The entire world changes when our thoughts change, so just imagine what a different perspective upon a life-draining regret can do?

The best way to do this is to transform your thought about the regret.

Regardless of how big it may be, you can begin to shine a light of hope and compassion upon it, helping you feed your own being with peaceful, humbling thoughts versus thoughts of shame, guilt or unforgiveness.

#2 – Release Regrets to Make Room for the Beauty of Today – There are times in life where we have to release the past in order to make room for the beauty and opportunities presented to us today.

Some thoughts, especially those of regret can be heavier than a 100 pound weight that we carry with us throughout our lives. But unlike a barbell that can simply be released from our grasp, this weight of regret is carried within our being. If those heavy weights of regret are not let go they can be both straining and destructive to our inner Essence (atoms, cells, organs).

Release toxic regrets from frequenting your mind and begin focusing on the beauty this life bestows.

Even the tallest and wisest tree has to release the leaves of yesterday to embrace the growth and abundance of today.

A great way to begin releasing regrets is the powerful act of forgiveness. Forgiveness unto others and most importantly, forgiveness unto ourselves.

#3 – Power of Now – I fully understand that some of the regrets in the past can be detrimental. They may have caused harm to another, yourself or even worse. However, even amongst the most regretful thought or experience, truth isn’t beyond our reach.

That truth is that today is a new day.  A new day filled with Life, filled with incredible possibilities and new choices that can provide us with a new path which we can begin walking down now.

Sometimes we have to remind ourselves that this moment of now is the most important time of our lives. It is truly all we have.

Today and Beyond

Be a beacon of light, hope and inspiration by transforming regrets into empowerment. Release old toxic thoughts to make room for new insights and experiences, while remaining in this moment of now.


I would like to thank you for spending some time here on Three Key Life.

I really appreciate you taking time out of your day to visit the site. If there is anything I can help you with, please let me know.


Each day we awake we can shine a little brighter as long as we don’t throw a blanket of the past on the light of today.

(Three Key Tweet)


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Jeffon Seely

Three Key Life



Regret Into Inspiration Photo Credit: – j-dub1980(THANK YOU FOR 100k+ Views) – –
Living Regret-Free: How To Turn Regret Into Inspiration
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