3 Keys to Overcoming and Releasing Anger

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Mindful of Anger, Not Mind Filled

Why is there so much anger?

Scan across the internet, turn on the television, scroll down a social media site or listen to politicians debate, you can find traces of anger everywhere.

We can all probably think back 2 or 3 weeks ago and find at least one time we felt these traces of anger ripple through our body.

Ignorant comments, disheartening news, demanding bosses, questions about religion and opposing views shake many of us to the core.

Unchecked, this anger causes us to forget we are living. It causes us to forget we are able to make a different choice.

We no longer have to be a victim to this self-prescribed poison.

It’s never too late to release anger.

Releasing Anger

What makes you angry?

Think about it. When are the times you’re pushed so far that you can no longer remain aware of the present moment.

These questions call for deep introspection. An introspection all of us need from time to time.

This requires us to search within ourselves, identifying those issues that cause anger to become trapped within us. Some of that anger may have been carried with us since childhood, but the heavy weights can be released.

Identifying the various areas that fuel anger is the first step to releasing it.

Freeing Ourselves From Anger

Call me a dreamer, but I don’t think it’s far-fetched for us to live a life free of anger. After all, it is us, you and I, who think each and every thought that flows through our mind.

Those thoughts fuel attitudes, create habits, store feelings and harbor emotions. With this very simple, yet truthful realization, we can individually begin to invite a peaceful, positive attitude into our consciousness.

Each of us have an opportunity to replace the anger that we carry inside of ourselves.

This is done as we intentionally and consciously think our thoughts. You see, we don’t have to feed the thoughts of anger or ideas of frustration. We have the ability to direct our attention towards thoughts of positivity and ideas of respect and compassion.

In the same way we can water and fertilize certain seeds in our gardens, we can water and fertilize certain ideas and thoughts inside our minds. The thoughts we water and fertilize with our energy grow.

As we settle into the driver seat of our lives, we suddenly see that we can feed our minds whatever thoughts we desire. Embracing this realization, you’ll see that we’re never stuck or trapped.

A simple change in perspective can change our entire experience of life.

Don’t feed your anger and it will cease to grow. Consciously feed your mind empowering thoughts in place of the nonsense, and watch as your inner life blossoms into peace, compassion and patience.

3 Keys to Overcome Anger

#1 – Be The Change – You don’t have to fuel negative, anger-filled situations. You can change the situations by changing yourself. This may cause you to no longer associate with certain people. This will require you to reflect on your current beliefs and will help you find new ways of moving life. There is no situation so hard, so anger-filled, that change is impossible. However, if we don’t change ourselves, nothing can change.

#2 – Meditation – This practice allows you to quiet your mind, deepen your inner awareness and explore the deeper roots within that have brought about pain, depression and anger in the past. Utilizing this practice, we can inwardly heal those damaged roots. Through this process, we are able to become more aware, able to live more fully in this present moment. Our understanding then deepens, allowing us to see that we are all doing the best we can, while still embracing our ability to grow inwardly.

#3 – Be Aware – Remember, you are the thinker. Identify what causes anger and check those thoughts at the door. You are the only one who allows a thought to flow through your mind. Practice thinking deliberately and being conscious of your thoughts throughout the day.

One Action Item

Go a full day being 100% conscious of your thoughts, choices and actions.


We should all be grateful that we don’t have to carry anger around with us.

We should be grateful we are able to fully and compassionately forgive from our hearts.

Finally, today we should be grateful that we can release what we no longer need and begin to intentionally and consciously fill ourselves up with inspiration, empowerment and truth.

Less anger. More Happiness. (Three Key Tweet)







Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life



Releasing Anger Photo Credit: Stephen Poff via photopin cc
3 Keys to Overcoming and Releasing Anger
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