The Formula: How To Reverse A Bad Day

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Just One of Those Days

We’ve all experienced them. Those mornings where nothing seems to go right. Those mornings we awake and as soon as our eyes open, our minds fill up with stresses, struggles and hurdles, all of which set the course for our day.

I recall a few just such days from my life. It’s funny when I think back on them, because the things that contributed to these “bad days” were usually quite petty in nature.

Things like waking up late, getting caught up in the past, expectations of the future or fueling worries and doubts with the first thoughts of the day.

The more bad days I’ve experienced, the more I can see that just because a day starts out rocky doesn’t mean it has to set the trend for the following days, weeks, months or years.

I’ve found in my experience that we can reverse bad days just as easy as we can perpetuate them.

If we wish to reverse a bad day, it’s something we must do for ourselves. From the inside out.

Reviving a Bad Day

There’s a great question we can ask ourselves to help transform a negative day into an empowering one. That question is:

“What goes into creating a bad day?”

If we can pinpoint the things that contribute to a crappy day, then we can take a conscious and intentional approach to replace or avoid those things.

For instance, in my life I’ve found that days seem to take a turn for the worse when I start to direct my attention away from the things I can control, towards the things I cannot.

The first step in reviving a horrible day is to draw closer to the things you can control. The things that if you fully embrace, can begin to crack through a dark day.

We do that through empowering and intentional thoughts, choices and actions.

External situations can grow as big as your inner self allows them to.

Embracing this powerful truth, you can shrink the negative and magnify the positive within yourself at any given moment.

Switching Attitudes

Imagine if you awake tomorrow morning and are immediately greeted with the ingredients needed to produce a bad day; negative thoughts, tiredness, worried about the future, upset about the past, etc.

However, instead of zooming into this wasteland that has the potential to choke the life out of your day, you focus on the positive things happening in your life, regardless of how small.

Your day will develop much different.

Each day, we have a choice to allow our attitudes to be dictated by the occurrences happening in our surroundings, or we can empower our surroundings and our days from the inside out.

By focusing on the positive things taking place in our lives, versus the negative occurrences or thoughts that frequent our existence, we not only improve our overall attitude, but can use that attitude to reshape our current reality.

As we take this empowered approach by improving our attitudes, we’ll see the effects of that positive attitude seeping into all of our experiences.

Why wallow in the dark days of our own creation. We can reverse a bad day just as easily as we can help create one.

A slight switch in attitude can make all the difference.

3 Key Ways To Jumpstart a Bad Day

#1 – Find Gratitude – The first thing we can do to reverse a bad day is to find gratitude. This can be done by consciously bringing to mind all the great people in your life or by recognizing all that goes into creating your experience of life. Great amounts of gratitude can be found in all the positive things that are happening and have happened in your life. Sure, difficult things occur as well, but you will start to see as you fill your mind with more gratitude and recognize all the things you can smile about, that it’ll be hard to dwell on the opposite. Gratitude is present everywhere.

#2 – Illuminate your Spirit – Each morning you awake, take a moment to remember who you truly are, Life. Remind yourself that there’s an Essence of Life which awakes you each morning. An Essence that enables you to think, choose and act. Empowered by Life, we can use Its power to color our days any way we choose, positive or negative.

#3 – Grab the Steering Wheel – It’s easy to make a bad day worse with unconscious decisions. On the flipside, at any given moment we can grab the steering wheel of life and direct our experience towards a new result. This steering wheel can turn on a dime. It’s directed thought by thought, choice by choice and action by action.

The 3-Key Formula for Reversing a Bad Day is Represented the Following Equation:

Gratitude + Strong Foundation + Holding the Steering Wheel = Change in Attitude

(Three Key Tweet)

A simple change in attitude can reverse even the worst of days.







Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life


How To Reverse a Bad Day Photo Credit: Stuck in Customs via photopin cc
The Formula: How To Reverse A Bad Day
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