Running Away from Yourself

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Running Away From Yourself: Getting Away

The last time I was in Georgia, I needed to getaway. Amongst all the writing, projects, speeches, people and other essential things intertwined within my life, I needed a break.

I didn’t know exactly where to go. So I did what I sometimes do, pulled Google up on my phone and typed in “nicest nature places in Georgia.”

That’s how I discovered Amicalola Falls, the perfect place to head to and getaway from the different areas pulling my attention.

Extra Baggage

I began the 2-hour drive from Atlanta, eventually pulling into a heavy forested area, filled with stillness, streams, wildlife and most importantly free of the things I left back in the city.

Walking through nature and overlooking the falls I was finally able to escape the “city blues.”

I was finally able to sit down in peace, think with clarity and seek greater expressions for myself.

I eventually wandered back to the small camp I set up and realized that I brought a few extra things with me.

As I sat in the quietness of my being, I noticed that the thoughts of my responsibilities back at home slowly crept back in.

I felt the false sense of burdens, overwhelm and anxiousness that I was so desperately seeking to escape was packed in the crevices of my suitcase.

This was when I realized that I bring me wherever I go.

In the words of Bob Marley, “You are running and running and running away, but you can’t run away from yourself.” 

There is no escaping the inner world that we have spent so long creating, the good, the bad, and the in-between.

No Change But Inner Change

I’ve now recognized that I cannot go to a different environment and expect it to change my state of being unless I first go to the root of my being and understand that I create that atmosphere within myself.

As we begin to embrace this more and more, we can see that even in the worst environments of our lives, we can drill down to the innermost parts of our being and unlock even the smallest glimmer of light.

From this standpoint, we can recognize that our lives are blossoming from the inside out. Wherever we may be we are always blossoming that which we have been cultivating on the inside of our being, whether it’s peace, compassion, hatred or fear.

Harnessing Our True Power

As we begin to turn deeper within ourselves vs. running from the inner conflicts that surface within us, we can better see our true power. We are the one’s that can heal the wounds of the past, the fears of the future and the worries of the present.

3 Powerful Keys to help you Harness Your True Power

#1 – Realizing You Bring You With You – When we understand that we are always bringing ourselves wherever we go, we see that we are either bringing light, inspiration, empowerment, peace and compassion, or we are bringing darkness, fear, doubt, jealousy, envy, and greed.

What are you bringing with you?

That which you focus on expands. Therefore, if you find yourself moving with heavy amounts of negativity, begin to focus on the beauty that surrounds you, even in the darkest environments.

#2 – Recognize the Blessing in Your Environments – Wherever you find yourself in this journey of life, if you are sitting in a business meeting, listening to a lecture in class, relaxing in nature or surrounded by people who despise you, recognize the blessings hidden in all environments.

What blessings do you recognize in the environment you are presently in?

A few things we can do to see the blessings which surround us is to open our minds to the power that fills all things, the underlying Essence of Life. What a great blessing it is that we are a part of it all.

#3 – Inspire and Empower Thyself from the Inside Out – The final key is to not seek any environment to empower you, rather cultivate and create that place of empowerment within yourself. From this realization, you can see that no environment is needed for you to harness and express your true passions, purpose, and potential for life.

How do you empower you?

You will see that the more empowerment you discover in yourself the more you empower the world around you.


Be grateful for the Life you are able to live.

Recognize the beauty that surrounds you each moment.

Run not from yourself, instead dive deeper within thyself.







Jeffon Seely

Three Key Life

Running Away from Yourself
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