10 Quotes That Will Transform Your Day

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From Discouraged to Empowered

It’s interesting how we can go to sleep after a productive day and still awake in the middle of the night with a pressing issue on our mind.

Or how we can suddenly have a thought, a burden, or situation fill our conciousness and bring our entire day to a halt.

These things happen from time to time.

In the past I’ve sat awake for hours trying to find the solution to the problem that awoke me at 2:30 am.

Other times my entire day has been ruined because I allowed a fearful, worrisome thought to take root within and slowly infect the day with its self-made poison.

This happens to all of us.

When it does, we don’t have to give into the lie.

Instead, we have the opportunity to turn our focus from the burdens to inspiration, from worry to hope, from fear to an attitude of “I can do this.”

The empowering ideas below open the doorway to do just that.

10 Quotes That Will Transform Your Day

#1 – “The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.” -Carl Jung

#2 – “Gymnasts, lazy people, complainers and successful people have all practiced to be what they are good at. So if you keep practicing being lazy, you will be lazy. If you keep practicing complaining, you will constantly complain. If you practice compassion, generosity, patience, working hard and having a bigger vision, you will become better at it with time because you will create the causes to become better. You are practicing to become better.” – Tsem Tulku Rinpoche

#3 – “Don’t find fault, find a remedy, anybody can complain.” -Henry Ford

#4 – “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” -Albert Einstein

#5 – “I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet.” -Gandhi

#6 – “The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson

#7 – “The outer conditions of a person’s life will always be found to reflect their inner beliefs.” ~ James Allen

#8 – “You yourself are the teacher and the pupil, you are the master, you are the guru, you are the leader. You are everything.” -Jiddu Krishnamurti

#9 – “Riches do not respond to wishes. They respond only to definite plans backed by definite desires, through constant persistence.” -Napoleon Hill

#10 – “Some people are so poor, all they have is money.” -Unknown

From Quotes to Action

It is us, you and I, who put our thoughts in either positive or negative places. Of course, reading quotes all day long, even inspirational ones, won’t magically transport you to a place of no worries, no fear and into a state of accomplishing all your dreams in the snap of a finger.

But what it can do is begin to change your perspective.

As we change our perspectives, we change the way we see the world.

(Three Key Tweet)

This is how a simple change in thought, focusing on empowering ideas and quotes, knowing that great things are possible for you and your life is the seed which can change your entire existence.

In short, change your thinking, change your life.

Today and Beyond

#1 – Find a few quotes, sayings, empowering and motivating ideas to keep around you during times of negativity.

#2 – Read these often and be open to see a bigger, grander world and possibilities for yourself.

#3 – Make a decision to focus on the positive. Focus on all the reasons why you can do what you set out to do and all that you are grateful for, instead of allowing fearful, doubtful thoughts to dwell within, which in turn multiply and divide.

#4 – Keep going, great things are possible for each of us.


Make your day great.

Thank you for being apart of the Three Key Life Community.







Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life


Transform Your Day Photo Credit: Frank Wuestefeld via photopin cc
10 Quotes That Will Transform Your Day
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