Power of the People: Becoming a Transformational Change in Our World

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Power of the People

When people come together incredible things happen.

Collectively, we the people create governments and maintain economies. Together we’ve made incredible innovations, moving from agriculture, to industry, and now technology.

Our unified energies have developed and established religions, educational systems and equal rights initiatives.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, we’ve also collectively committed many atrocities including wars, genocides, and slavery like conditions for countless people.

Transformations like the ones mentioned above have swept across our globe many times over. Some of the transformations illuminated extreme acts of compassion and love. Others produced tragic crimes and unforgettable events.

People Who Saw Power In Themselves

The individuals who led these transformations were people just like you and I.

First, they saw something they believed in, something to stand up for. They inwardly began to make that change towards the thing they inwardly wished to see transformed.

As they did this, they discovered a new found energy, something pushing them to go further, influence more and spread the cause.

They brought this new energy with them to their households and eventually influenced the people they were around. Friends and family alike.

Standing for a common cause, a family/ friend unit formed. Soon they began affecting others in the community to take a stand for the cause in a similar way.

Ultimately bringing the change out from within themselves first.

Then empowered the people close to him or her, which grew to their community and beyond.

Looking throughout history you can witness these kind of transformations from individuals like Martin Luther King Jr., Gandhi, and Mother Teresa.

Looking back further to ancient history, we can observe these transformations affecting the “prophets” throughout various religions.

The Power of One

Together we truly do create the world.

Understanding this, we can see how you and I, can begin to unite with one another, uniting with our brothers and sisters across the globe as ONE PEOPLE. Beginning to inject positive, peaceful and compassionate changes throughout all areas of our lives.

Collectively, we give the dollar it’s worth. We give the stock market it’s numbers. We stop at red lights and go at green ones. We elect officials, pass laws and choose to go to work each morning that we awake.

Stop for a moment and recognize the power we have when we come together as ONE. We can transform nations into places of peace, influence economies with compassionate profits and say no when the powers that be forget that together we the people hold the power.

Learning From The Generations Before Us

Looking back through our individual lives and back further into the history books, we can see that we as people, have always been creating something. Looking through ancient text we read stories of wars and times of prosperity. In our modern history, we see stories of terrorism and many helping hands of charity.

As we develop the awareness that we are always creating something, an opportunity presents itself.

With this awareness we can begin to consciously and intentionally shape not only our experience, but the overall well-being of the world.

If you don’t believe that you can make a difference in the world, just know that you have the ability at any given time to transform your individual life. As you do, you effortlessly inspire and influence the change in others.

Here are a few ways we can become a transformational change in our world.

How to be a Transformational Change in Our World

#1 – Increase Awareness – It’s imperative that we start to observe all the different places we spend our time, energy and resources. As we increase our awareness we can begin to consciously replace the areas of our lives that don’t support us with more empowering ideas and activities. It’s essential that we become aware of where we put our financial resources. Each dollar you spend, supports someone and something. Begin to give of your resources, your time and your energy intentionally. Use these incredible tools to become a beneficial presence to yourself and the world. Live conscious.

#2 – The Difference Maker – Take a stand. Support a cause greater than yourself. We can begin doing that by simply making a difference in our daily interactions with others. Becoming a light of compassion, peace and equal rights. Open your mind to the idea of joining with other people who stand for the peace and equal rights; seek to get involved with something bigger. It is when we put ourselves out there, making a new choice, that the universe starts revealing new doors.

#3 – Dedicated to Something Greater – Treat every day as a gift. It’s possible to use our time, energy and resources in such a way that we can truly live for something that will outlast our life. Each of us have a piece of greatness within us. The same Energy* that we find within ourselves was also in the “Greats” that so many of us admire. Spend your time and energy fully living.

“The best way to honor God is to do good unto man. (and all of nature)”

-Benjamin Franklin (Three Key Tweet)


Be grateful knowing that we are the solution for every problem we face.


If you could eradicate any problem on Earth, what would problem would you heal? Why?

Let us know in the comments below.







Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life



Power of the People: Becoming a Transformational Change in Our World Photo Credit: Public Domain 
Power of the People: Becoming a Transformational Change in Our World
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