Vote For Yourself: The Most Important Vote of Your Life

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Vote For Yourself

It’s election season in America. Turn on the tv and you’ll see candidates from all parties tearing each other down, pointing fingers at one another and promising how they’ll save the county, city, state, or nation.

Watching these people is almost comical. It’s unfortunate there are people who have been in office for so long, have such deep ties to private funders, that it is nearly impossible for them to lose. John McCain is a prime example.

A common theme I’ve noticed flowing through politics since I became voting age is how often these people promise one thing and then do another. This is primarily done because a large percent of their financial backers are corporations that have their own interests.

These lies have caused a lot of turmoil within the borders of the USA. More money is spent on war than on education. Pharmaceutical companies pay elected officials to fast track toxic medications while big oil companies profit from destroying the earth. On top of this, genetic food manufacturers spend millions of dollars on political campaigns to keep their revenue flowing in at record highs.

It seems like something is wrong here.

It’s hard to imagine how a country that calls itself the greatest in the world has so few politicians standing up for the real issues. Things like homelessness, inner city violence, racial tension, a dark history, toxic food, stagnant wages, rising education costs, climate change, war, and indigenous rights.

What I’ve realized is regardless of who gets elected, no one is going to save us. With this being said, there is one person we can vote for.

This person will not fail you unless you allow them to.

The person you should vote for is You.

Vote for You

You cannot control what another person does, even one who elected to a high level of office. You can, however, control yourself at any given moment.

You are powerful beyond measure. While it may seem as if you cannot change the world, you can always change you. This is what Gandhi said in this powerful quote,

“As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world as in being able to remake ourselves.”

As you begin to shift your inner world by way of your thoughts, outlook, and attitude, the world begins to change. When your inner world changes you show up in the world a different way. As you show up in the world a different way because of this inner transformation you send ripples of change out into the world as you move throughout your day.

If we all voted for ourselves, being the best that we could be, would there be any need for elected officials?

To sway your vote, I’d like to share 6 incredible things about you.

6 Incredible Things About You

#1 – There are over 60,000 miles of blood vessels inside the average human body. This means you could circumnavigate Earth two and a half times.

#2 – Your nerve impulses travel to and from the brain at speeds of up to 250 miles per hour. Think of how many of these impulses happen each day.

#3 – You are made up of 7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (7 octillion) atoms. For perspective, there’s a ‘measly’ 300,000,000,000 (300 billion) stars in our galaxy. What empowers these atoms? Where did they come from? How are they working with such harmony in this moment to enable you to be?

#4 – Your body contains over 50 trillion cells. You empower these cells. You give them energy, feed them and help them divide into new cells that become a new you.

#5 – Your body creates 200-300 billion new cells each day. Your cells become that which you tell them to be.

#6 – In one day, your blood travels 12,000 miles around your body. That’s four times the distance across the US from coast-to-coast.

Other reasons why you should vote for you. Not the flesh of you but the Essence that enables you to be.

  • Your heart beats 100,000 times per day
  • You take 25,000 breaths each day

You are truly a miracle. Vote for yourself. 

You are a Universe

You are filled with greatness, capable of extraordinary things.

Believe in you. Don’t give your power over to another person hoping they will solve your problems.

Vote for yourself.







Jeffon Seely

Three Key Life

Vote For Yourself: The Most Important Vote of Your Life
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