Who Owns Your Time?

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Who Owns Your Time?

It’s eye opening when we think about all the time we spend working in our adult lives.

The average worker in the states works about 40 hours per week, which equates to 160 hours a month. That’s 1,920 hours a year which equals 80 full days of our life each year that we spend at a job.

To some, this comes as an amazing opportunity, for others not so much.

It’s hard to imagine waking up each morning, spending our finite time and precious energy working at a place that we don’t like. Unfortunately, many people do.

This brought to mind the various jobs I’ve worked at throughout my life that I didn’t particularly enjoy.

I recall jobs like being a janitor in middle school, a telemarketer in high school, a busboy and waiter in college, working in retail, and my short stint at being an insurance salesman.

I’ve worked many other jobs, but there are common threads running through each of the ones mentioned above.

Things like:

  • I dreaded waking up for work each morning
  • I felt like I was wasting my energy, gifts, and talents
  • Felt undervalued
  • Lacked interest
  • I knew I was building another man’s dream and putting my dream off (once I realized I had a dream worth pursuing)

Though the majority of my bills were able to be paid I was trading a piece of my time away for a small check from a place I didn’t like.

In the long run, I realized the trade wasn’t worth it. I was selling myself short.

I was spending my finite time working at places that were draining the life, peace and happiness from within me.

How is Your Time Divided?

In addition to the time spent at the places of our employment or in the business endeavors we pursue, we have numerous places, people and events that consume this amazing resource called time.

We are always using time in this experience of life to do something. Whether we are by ourselves watching tv, with our friends or significant other, or driving in our car, time is being used.

Begin Taking Control

Since launching Three Key Life I’ve realized how powerful the combination of time + our Energy truly is.

I’ve further uncovered that this friend of ours called Time is one of the greatest gifts we’ve been given. It is through this gift of time that all opportunities open for us.

*That is unless you believe there is no time, then we are simply left with Life, which Is. Through Life, time becomes, our being blossoms, and all awaits our uncovering. From this understanding you are one with Life, therefore one with time, and one with All.

If that’s a little much let me put it this way:

Each day that we are able to awake and walk this earth, we are provided with this precious gift of time.

Through this Life that awakens us we direct our being through our thoughts, our choices, and our actions, all driven by this inner source of Life which we are and which all is.

As we go about our lives, directing our experience and co-creating through these thoughts, choices, and actions, we simultaneously use this finite resource of time. Which means if you look deeper you’ll see that where and how we spend our time is 100% in our control.

Therefore if we are working at a place we don’t like, or in a toxic relationship, we are the only ones who can allow that to consume both our time and energy.

This is what I’ve been seeking to do. Fully take control of my time, through consciously embracing the Life within which provides the time for me to experience.

Taking Control of Your Time

Here are 3 Keys for you to begin taking full control of your time today:

#1 – Identify Where You Currently Spend Your Time – Consciously recognize this. Dive deep into where you spend 24 hours each day, whether it’s sleeping, working, personal, or free time. Write this down, it’s worth it.

#2 – Time Is Yours To Use – How many of the things that you do each day do you actually enjoy doing? Replace things you don’t like with things you enjoy. If you are working at a place you don’t like, look for a job or career that you do like. Remember, the combination of your energy + time = endless possibilities (Three Key Tweet). Don’t waste your time in a place or position you don’t like.

#3 – Consciously Schedule Your Days – Begin consciously scheduling your days around things that you enjoy. If you awake each morning with a plan of action you can direct your being towards, you can go wherever your mind desires, even if that’s down the same path as yesterday.

Your time is valuable, your work is valuable, your gifts are valuable, your energy is valuable.

Let’s continue to embrace the truth that Life is that which awakens us, provides us with a day to experience, a sun that shines, and air that fills our lungs.

Life also provides this gift of time that acts as a roadway taking us to the areas we direct our lives.


What is the one area of life you would like to spend more time pursuing?

Leave your comments below.

Thank you for spending a moment of your time visiting Three Key Life.

Your energy and time are both appreciated.






Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life



Who Owns Your Time photo credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/96142188@N05/10548865623/ – bintAdam – http://photopin.com – http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/
Who Owns Your Time?
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