8 Brutal Truths That Will Improve Your Life

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Brutal Truths That Will Improve Your Life

One of the greatest transformations that has happened in my life was brought about by a particular thought that challenged me to move beyond my perceived reality.

It was a thought, an expression that pushed my consciousness into a new level and thus, impacted every area of my life.

I still remember the thought that opened the doorway and led me to the path I am on today. It was an insight shared by one of my father’s friends that changed the way I saw my life, my reality, the world around me and my relationship with the Universe.

The thought was this:

“There is an underlying Energy, Essence, and Power that fills all things. It is perfect, whole and complete. It cannot be threatened and there is nothing that opposes it. It is Divine Order, perfect in all ways. This is who we are.”

I doubted this for months after hearing it because it was too far from my realm of existence.

After stumbling upon what I call the Infinite Intelligence, Divine Consciousness, I realized that which I seek is that which does the seeking.

This is just a small glimpse into a deep process of inner discovery that transpired over the course of many years.

While I chose to expand, far too many choose to remain stuck in place.

Why must this be??

Reasons Why People Don’t Expand

There were many years of early adulthood where I was stuck in old belief patterns. The idea of releasing those belief patterns and expanding into a greater version of myself scared me.

This is why I was so confrontational about the thought that I mentioned above.

Think about your life, are there beliefs that are rooted so deep within that if you challenged those beliefs you would lose your sense of identity?

If we are not willing to explore this deeper state within, it is nearly impossible to grow.

Some of the strongest beliefs that keep so many from expanding to new levels of consciousness are centered around beliefs involving religion, race, cultural upbringing, the opinions of others and a low self-image.

In order to expand consciously, rising to higher levels, we must look at 8 Brutal Truths That Will Improve Your Life.

If you’re willing to step beyond your comfort zone and confront pre-programmed beliefs, the 8 Brutal Truths are waiting for you below.

8 Brutal Truths That Will Improve Your Life

1 – You Are A Speck in the Universe, Yet Filled With the Universe – The entirety of the Universe went into creating you but in the scope of the Universe you are but a speck standing upon a speck of dust floating around in an infinite room with no walls. Each moment of each day, however, you are the Universe expressing itself.

2 – You Are Not Superior Nor Inferior To Anyone – You are no greater nor less than anyone who has ever existed in the history of the world. Skin color, status, class, sex, job position, finances, and religion, doesn’t matter when you look at the Essence of Life which allows all to exist. We are born equal even when the apparent reality of our world causes so many to believe they are better or less than.

3 – You Are 100% Responsible For What You Create In Your Life – You are the only one who can think your thoughts. You are the only one who can empower your emotions. You are the only one who can choose your choices. You are the only one who can commit your actions. With these things, you assemble your reality. No one is to blame for how you use the tools you’ve come into this life possessing.

4 – Your State of Consciousness Matters – Your life can only expand to the level of consciousness you are choosing to live with. Peace, prosperity, happiness, health, and unity cannot be achieved unless it has been embodied within.

5 – You Are Not Your Past, You Are Not Your Pain – The present moment is ALL YOU HAVE. The past is behind you and cannot rule you unless you give it your power. Pain cannot sit on your throne of reality unless you bow to it. Each moment is an opportunity to turn it all around. Be, Here, Now.

6 – People Can Only Hurt You Because You Allow Them – If you value the opinions of another person more than you value the inner Essence within yourself, you will always be at the mercy of the world around you. The moment you recognize your ability to cultivate a state of healing, self-love, and respect for your life, people cannot affect your inner state. Some of the most enlightened people in history have shown us that mental freedom is always possible, even in the darkest of situations.

7 – If You Can’t Change Your Thoughts, You Can’t Change Anything – Thoughts fuel actions which help to create things. If you cannot shift your thoughts, breaking hypnotic thought patterns that keep you reliving the same day over and over again, you will not be able to change anything. The great part about this is every moment is an opportunity to think something a little more empowering.

8 – It’s Not All About You – Just as the sun and planets don’t spin around the earth, the world does not spin around you. While you are filled with talents, gifts, potential and endless possibilities, in the history of this planet, we are all insignificantly significant.

Expansion of Consciousness

As you look at these 8 Brutal Truths that will improve life, I challenge you to do more than just read them…

Meditate upon the ones that connect with you, be willing to challenge pre-programmed beliefs and step into a new level internally.

As we do this individually, we impact the collective consciousness of the planet.

Peace. Happiness. Compassion. Respect.


8 Brutal Truths That Will Improve Your Life
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