The Power of New Beginnings

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New Beginnings

It’s been said that new beginnings are often disguised as painful endings.

This thought comes from Lao Tzu, who is best known as an ancient Chinese philosopher who wrote the Tao-de-Ching.

As I looked back at my experience I’ve realized some of the greatest things in my life today, blossomed from a seed of difficulty and pain.

About 5 years ago I left my cozy home in Northern California to venture to Atlanta, GA to begin my next business endeavor. For months I studied, prepped my business and had a big vision about what I wanted to create. I wanted to build a multi-million dollar real estate business.

I drove across the country to start this new venture. Once there, I started the process of no longer daydreaming, but building my dreams into a reality. Unfortunately, it didn’t quite pan out the way I foresaw it. Months passed and I didn’t make one deal. With some persistence, I eventually got some deals under my belt but it felt like I was swimming upstream.

I pushed through the difficulties to eventually reach small levels of success but my inner world was out of balance. The drive left me, fear set in, and even with some success, I felt like I was failing.

Nearly a year passed with these toxic thoughts swirling in my mind. I began to look at things that aligned deeper with my spirit, things that brought me to life and other ventures I wanted to create.

This was when Three Key Life was born. After launching the blog, I was able to write and share with thousands of people but money flowed in at a snails pace rate.

This prompted me to write a book and dedicate myself to becoming the person I wanted to be. These sporadic thoughts of my mission swam through the difficulties of my fearful mind.

It was nearly a year after launching Three Key Life that I caught a glimpse of what I believe I was here to do.

Amongst the pain, frustration, and doubt, I was given my first chance to speak.

Reengineering My Self Image

Speaking in front of hundreds of people felt right. I was able to share my message, inspire others and meet all kinds of people.

Doing this caused me to look deeply at my life. I asked myself questions like, am I worthy of speaking to others? Why would people want to listen to me? Can I even impact others?

These questions surfaced in my mind like weeds in a lush garden. These seeds of doubt were sown in my mind quite some time ago.

When I was young, I grew up witnessing things most people would never see. While my family is a major source of my inspiration, during my early years drugs, addiction, and struggle plagued our household.

Seeing people who I love struggle caused me to look out at my community and believe I didn’t have what it took to make something of my life. It was easy to let the difficulties wash over me like a raging river and take me away.

What I didn’t know was that hidden in the darkness was a light. It was a light that helped me discover more of who I am and who I am here to be.

It is an accumulation of the moments of happiness and the dark experiences that have led me to a higher expression of myself.

While we can’t always see the new beginnings taking place when going through a painful ending, there are hidden blessings that flow throughout our experience each day.

Look Into Your Life

Look back at your life and identify all those difficulties that have come your way. Look at your life today and notice the difficulties and painful experiences you are going through now.

Ask yourself, how have the difficult experiences in the past, the painful moments in my life, brought me into a higher version of myself?

Look at what you are going through today, the areas that hurt, that bring fearful thoughts and ask, how is this leading me towards a new beginning? How is this bringing me to a greater version of me?

3 Keys To Embrace New Beginnings

#1 – Fear Not – In nature, darkness is essential. It is a seed that must be sown in the darkness of the soil before it can grow. The earth was born from the darkness of the universe before it was brought into existence. You and I had to experience the darkness of our mother’s womb before we could have this experience of life. Fear not the difficulties that plague the mind. Don’t be afraid when experiencing a painful ending. Instead, know that each hurdle helps you elevate into a higher level of being if you will only allow it.

#2 – Shift Your Outlook – What you focus upon will magnify and intensify. You get what you believe you deserve. Therefore, if you allow the struggles to occupy your mind, you have no room for your greatness to grow. Shift your thoughts and outlook and watch as you start seeing hidden gems in the rubble.

#3 – Express Gratitude – Wherever you find yourself, there is something to be grateful for. Take your energy away from the mind and place it in your heart. Allow your heart to connect you to the countless things going right in this moment. Feel your heart beating, your lungs breathing, observe the sun shining and the earth beneath you spinning. If your mind and heart are set on gratitude, no fear, doubt or worry can occupy your experience.

New Beginnings

Make a list whether on a piece of paper or in your mind of all the challenges you’ve overcome.

Highlight how they have helped you soar into new levels.

Be grateful for your ability to transcend the darkness and honor the ways in which your life unfolded into its highest and best.

Don’t stop, new beginnings await.







Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life


The Power of New Beginnings
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