Trust In Yourself: Developing a Greater Trust Within

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Trust In Yourself

When it comes down to trusting in ourselves and our abilities, we either do or we don’t.

Too often, we spend our time acting like we fully trust in our gifts, only to aim at average results.

If we really trusted in our abilities, we’d be more than confident to aim at the largest goal, willing to put forth 100% effort behind it.

I’ve noticed throughout my life where I’ve acted like I’ve trusted in myself, only to blend in comfortably with the crowd. A great example of this was my college years.

I was a good student, but I never pushed the envelope. I was never on the cutting edge. Instead, I found a cozy, comfortable position where I could act as if I was shooting for the stars, only to follow the crowd.

This slowly started to change when I self-published my first book of poetry during my senior year of college. At that time, I found a new confidence. I was slowly starting to trust in my unique abilities.

Since then, I’ve patiently found various ways to cultivate more trust within myself.

I’ve found that the foundation this trust stands upon is the continuous development of the gifts that rest within myself.

In a deeper sense, it’s honoring the Life which enables me to awake each morning through my thoughts, choices and actions, knowing that I am directing my experience each moment of each day.

Why I Must Trust

There’s been one question that’s been resurfacing over and over again.

That question is,

“If you don’t trust in yourself, then who do you trust?”

I know for those of us who are religious, we’d immediately say we trust in God, or a certain prophet. That’s fine, but it still doesn’t answer why you don’t trust in yourself.

For some they trust the opinions from a book, a speaker, or even a complete stranger over themselves.

This is why it’s imperative for us to develop a trust within. Learning to recognize the Life which greets us each morning. Fully understanding that we are co-creating our entire experience of life.

By not trusting ourselves, this distrust eventually ripples out from within and can wreak havoc in our outer experiences.

In order to develop trust within, there are a few things we first have to release.

Releasing Limiting Beliefs

I think we all know the thoughts, choices, habits, beliefs and attitudes that aren’t serving us at this time, all the things that need to be released.

Those negative thoughts, destructive choices, debilitating environments and hurtful self-talk that sneak up on us like a night-time thief.  Eventually seizing the prize they had their eyes on; our goals, dreams and aspirations.

The only thing that separates us from realizing our best, is the barriers we put up within ourselves. Those barriers become the limiting beliefs which trap many for a lifetime.

Understanding this, you can make a conscious and deliberate choice to replace those destructive beliefs with trust and confidence in yourself and your gifts.

This is a job that you must do for yourself.

How To Develop Trust In Yourself

#1 – Intentionally Inspire – Embrace the truth that it’s only you who can empower your attitude and outlook on life. Look out at the world in such a way that it brings you to life. Intentionally fill your mind with inspirational material just as I mentioned here.

#2 – Helicopter View of Life – Look out across your entire life thus far and witness the common denominator(s). The first, is You. You have carried yourself throughout all of your experiences. Therefore, you can easily see that because you carry you into the days of tomorrow, you can consciously do things today which can expand your view of reality. The second common denominator is *Life, which greets you at all times. Trust yourself into a positive forward movement.

#3 – #1 Fan – Since you’re always with yourself, you should learn to be your biggest supporter. Rooting for yourself when you’re going through difficult times and patting yourself on the back when you accomplish even the smallest task. Learn to love yourself, believe in yourself and use this short gift of life in such a way that your light shines even when you’re gone.


If we don’t take time to cultivate a deeper trust in ourselves and our abilities, in whom will we put our trust?


Trust in yourself.

There is only one you.

Yes, ensure you stepping on solid ground but don’t be fearful whether its stone or mud.

Move forward diligently, humbly,

knowing that the Life within you trusted you enough to provide you with this day.

Why waste it trying to prove otherwise.


Here’s to trust.







Jeffon Seely


Three Key Life



Trust In YourselfPhoto Credit: Martin Gommel via photopin cc
Trust In Yourself: Developing a Greater Trust Within
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