How To Create More Motion in a Stagnant Life

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Lack of Movement. Motionless. Stagnant Life.

A few months back I wrote a post on Three Key Life about eliminating stagnation from our lives.

What I didn’t expect was this to become one of the more popular posts on TKL.

I realized I was not alone.

I’m not the only one out here that’s allowed my life to become stagnant in certain areas.

Many of us build houses around the toxic thoughts inside ourselves. These toxic thoughts bubble up and recreate similar situation’s day in and day out. Before you know it you’ve assembled the past few months, or worse years, around these toxic, stagnant thoughts.

I am writing this today to remind and encourage you that there’s no better time than now to create more motion in your life.

There is no better moment than now to identify those stagnant thoughts and replace them with empowering ones that focus on the areas that bring you to life.

To heal a stagnant life, motion must be added, change must be embraced and all fear should be swapped with faith.

If Motion Stops, Stagnation Appears

Before we jump into the 3 Keys to Create More Motion in Our Lives, it’s important to recognize what causes our lives to become stagnant and motionless.

I mention this first because it requires us to take a helicopter view of our life. We must look at our experiences from above and then dive deeper within.

In doing so a few common themes reveal themselves.

A few of the key contributors to a stagnant life are:

Old Limiting Beliefs – These are the beliefs that reaffirm who you thought you were in the past. Many of these old limiting beliefs blossom from childhood and adolescence. Releasing these limiting beliefs provides you with space to grow into the new you.

Doubt and Worry – Doubt and worry can be two of the most toxic thoughts we can have. Allowing these thoughts to grow within you suffocate new expressions, new opportunities and new areas of growth. Doubt and worry may help us from time to time but they should not be the tools we use to construct our lives.

Fear – I like the acronym for fear, False Evidence Appearing Real. When we allow false evidence to become real inside of ourselves, that false evidence begins to colors our reality. Instead of focusing on the false evidence, focus on your dreams. Spend your time and energy making these dreams become a reality. Doing this requires new motion.

Lack of Faith and Confidence – If we walk around with lack of faith and confidence, it’s very difficult for us to create something new in our lives. Without confidence, how can we believe in ourselves? With lack of faith, why would we pursue a new path?

The best way to increase faith and confidence is to recognize your accomplishments throughout your life thus far. Know that you have the same energy, power and strength within you today to create even greater accomplishments for tomorrow.

3 Keys to Creating More Motion in Your Life

#1 – Bring Your Inner World To Life – Open your heart and consciousness to the limitless possibilities that lie in store for you on any given day. YOU must bring YOU to life. This is done by opening your mind to what awaits you in life. This can also be done by injecting new ideas of truth and opportunity into your mind. One of the greatest causes of a stagnant life is a dull inner world.

Bring yourself to life, from the inside out. Think about your gifts, talents, abilities and things you can’t go a day without thinking about.

#2 – Do Things In A New Way – Creating more motion in your life doesn’t necessarily mean quitting everything you’re doing and start over from scratch. At times all that’s needed a fresh approach. This may be driving to work in a new direction, changing your overall thoughts about your job, school or relationships. When you approach a situation from an elevated mental state within, you create an entirely new experience.

A mentor of mine put it this way, change your thoughts about the situation. This will change the way you approach and act towards the situation. Suddenly, you will have created a new set of feelings towards the stagnant areas of life.  

Remember… You are the only one who can create more motion in your life. Thought by thought, choice by choice, action by action.

#3 – Act As If – My favorite way to push stagnation to the side and embrace more motion in my life is to act as if I am the person I would like to become. Whenever you feel like you are stagnant and things aren’t flowing the way you’d like them to, ask yourself “How would the best me act in this situation?”

When we align with the highest vision we have for ourselves in our thoughts and actions, we bring that vision into reality. Act as if you are already the person you’d like to become. It creates motion immediately.


Be grateful knowing that each day you wake up you are never stuck in place.

Our minds are always free. We can create movement at any given time.

Here’s to positive motion and less stagnation.





Jeffon Seely

Three Key Life

Stagnant Life Photo Credit: flatworldsedge via photopin cc
How To Create More Motion in a Stagnant Life
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