Inspiring Qualities the Holidays Bring Us The holidays were always an interesting time around my household growing up. Excitement filled the house as the days got closer to Christmas. My sisters and I hoped we got the presents we wanted. My mom and grandparents always did their best to ensure my sisters and I had […]
3 Keys To Growing Into Your Potential
Growing Into Your Potential The other day I was on a conference call with some colleagues. We were discussing the details for a retreat coming up in spring. During the call there was something on my mind that’s been plaguing me for a while. As I’ve been reflecting on this past year there has been […]
Power of Children: 3 Life Lessons We Can Learn From The Youth
Life Lessons We Can Learn From The Youth A while back I was driving with one of my friends through Northern California when pulled up behind a school bus. The lights were flashing and the stop sign was out. Soon kids exited the bus some laughing, talking and others running towards their houses. I remember […]
Gratitude Post: Seeing The World With Eyes of Gratitude
Seeing The World With Eyes of Gratitude When I first began Three Key Life, I made it a goal to create one gratitude post a month. The other day, I was inspired to jumpstart the Gratitude Posts again. Who couldn’t use more gratitude in their life? Gratitude Post: Eyes of Gratitude The past 5 years […]
The Power of Compassion in a World of Chaos
The Power of Compassion After a year of traveling across the country, sharing my message with a variety of people a dream of mine finally became a reality. I had envisioned being able to share my message on a platform that would connect with a large number of people. In the early stages of my […]
Vote For Yourself: The Most Important Vote of Your Life
Vote For Yourself It’s election season in America. Turn on the tv and you’ll see candidates from all parties tearing each other down, pointing fingers at one another and promising how they’ll save the county, city, state, or nation. Watching these people is almost comical. It’s unfortunate there are people who have been in office […]
Centered In Compassion: The Formula For Inspiration
Compassion and the Formula for Inspiration When life brings situations your way that makes you feel stressed, frustrated or worried I have a simple practice you can use. This practice requires a few minutes of introspection to work effectively. If you set time aside to do this, you’ll be able to handle whatever experience you’re […]
Turning Temporary Defeat Into Success
Temporary Defeat and Success Failure is often a sign that you are close to success. It may be difficult to realize this when going through a temporary defeat, but if you can refocus your mind you will see that every setback brings with it a set up for something greater. Reflecting upon the temporary defeats […]
Affirmations That Lead To Transformations
Affirmations That Lead To Transformation There are ideas you can embrace each morning, afternoon and evening that can make even the worst day shine with possibility. Waking up to a long to-do list that fuels frustration, deadlines that loom over you or relationships that are struggling can wreak havoc on a day of limitless possibility. […]
Inexhaustible: The Power of Faith
Inexhaustible: The Power of Faith There are formulas for success that have been passed down by people for thousands of years. If you are seeking to become more, to make more money, or to impact more people all you have to do is look at these tested and tried formulas then add them to your […]