The Infinite: Inner Worlds

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Awake. Eyes open. Thoughts flashing. My family, my friends, the things I have to do today, the birds chirping outside my window, the sun shining into my bedroom. I arise and begin my day, experiencing countless interactions with my own self and thousands of interactions with others. Returning to my house later that evening, after […]

Life: The Light Within Us All

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Reflecting Back It’s always inspiring to look back through history and find a person or people who fully stood up for the greater good of mankind. It’s inspiring to see someone stand up for what they believe in. Many of the stories we hear of speak about how one confidently stood amidst adversity, how one […]

Spirit, Mind, Body

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Why Spirit, Mind, Body? Each day we awake we are provided with an opportunity to live fuller and become better. It is as if we are able to use our time and energy as keys to unlock new doors of potential and hope. It’s the combination of how we use our time, our energy and our […]

Scottish African American?

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African, European, American, Polynesian, Brazilian, Mexican, Indian, Chinese, Russian, Canadian, Spanish. The list goes on. All of us so unique, individually motivated, imaginative, and creative. Yet so similar. Being born of a Scottish mother and an African American father, I sometimes wonder if I can be me without the “nationality.” My answer is yes. What […]

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